Fabiana Karla

Lucidreide's home becomes a hell after the arrival of her mother-in-law, who evicted, decides to live there. Abandoned by her husband Dermirréi and unable to lead her home in front of her five children, she only has the desire to go away. Without understanding the size of a space voyage, Lucidreide accepts to participate in a mission that will take the first man to the Red Planet and is signed uo by the son of her bosses, Tavinho. He recalls that his father was selecting a person to integrate a training that would take a Brazilian to Mars. Believing that she is going to make her children happy, she leaves for training at Cape Canaveral in the United States.

Already famous, at the top of his career, owner of his own school of etiquette, Crô sees himself alone and without a family. Lonely and vulnerable, he ends up living at the whim of supposed family, Orlando, Marinalva, Luane and Nando, whose intentions are far from the best. With the inseparable Geni, Magda and Jurema by his side, Crô will embark on an adventure to find his true family while constantly avoiding the venom of the top columnist Carlota Valdez.


Selminha is a lower-class woman who receives a family inheritance, but only if she meets the challenge of spending 30 million reais in 30 days, without accumulating anything. However, in this marathon, she will find out that there are things that money does not buy.


After Malu grows suspicious of her boyfriend Samuel she hires a private investigator, only to discover she is not the only one in his life.


Once evicted, our heroes House of Mother Joan 1 followed different paths. PR again invest in rich crowns, Joey decided to take a sabbatical in search of the perfect cannabis and Mountain finally wrote a successful book and enriched. Today he lives in an old mansion and will receive their friends. Novalmente meeting, the three will live hilarious situations.


Trail of Lies is a story of love and ambition centered on Paloma (Paolla Oliveira), who lives in conflict with her family. Secretly adopted, she learns the truth from her conniving brother Félix (Mateus Solano), who wishes to eliminate her at any cost in order to become sole heir to the fortune of their parents, doctors who own a hospital. The revelation comes during a trip to the astonishing historic cities of Peru, where Paloma falls in love with the adventurous Ninho (Juliano Cazarré).


Naïve and provocative Gabriela is a raggedy migrant worker who arrives in town to mesmerize all with her playful and simple, yet raw sensuality. Set in 1925, the story unravels in Ilhéus, a quiet northeastern coastal city thriving with cocoa crops and aspirations for progress, even though the traditional ways still rule.


The life of the owners of Circus Esperança, Puro Sangue e Pangaré, father and son, who plays two clowns. At a certain point, Pangaré starts showing tiredness and sadness for being an unhappy clown.


In Nordestina, a small town lost in the Brazilian badlands, young Karina dreams of becoming an actress and leaving to explore the world. Before losing his love, Dona Nazaré’s son, Antônio, takes the first step in a kamikaze crusade to bring the world to Karina. For that, Antônio leaves town and announces, in a TV show that he will set off on a sensational adventure: a trip into the future, starting from Nordestina’s square. A story where dreams contradict reality, geographical and political conditions threaten to block life, and love plays the part of the transforming element.


Olímpia loves her bosses, Inês and Eduardo. Eduardo loves Inês, his wife, who loves Eduardo, her husband. Inês is a friend of Lígia´s, who loves her husband Cristiano. Cristiano loves Lígia, his wife. Vera loves Cláudio, her husband, who doesnt love Vera. Inês thinks that Eduardo is having an affair with Salete, Cristiano thinks that Lígia is having an affair with Ricco, Vera thinks that Cláudio has an affair with Inês and Eduardo thinks that Inês has an affair with Cláudio. The action takes place in a middle class condo where Olímpia, a clumsy maid, carries out the most unbelievable confusions, making everybody believes that love is a game in which one always cheats.
