Fabienne Godet

Margot, Jeremy, Salome, Caesar, Sonia - They are between 18 and 50 years old. Everything separates them except the urgency to rebuild and restore the relationship to the other that the addiction has destroyed. Solidary, they have as rules, sharing, honesty, authenticity, sincerity, humanity. An incredible band of living people who are screaming loudly that we are doing better than others alone.


Antoine is a joyful but disenchanted photographer. His only true friend, Mateo, is 7 years old and the son of his neighbor, who is often absent. One day, he hears a piano sonata coming from the building across the courtyard. Mesmerized by the music, he becomes obsessed by Elena, the beautiful but mysterious pianist, and starts to photograph her at every opportunity. An intense relationship develops between fragile and idealistic Elena and Antoine, who is transformed by this encounter.


Michel Vaujour, former thief and mobster, always chose making a break for freedom over a life behind bars, adventure over a life of submission. He has spent 27 years in prison, 17 of those in solitary confinement. He succeeded in carrying out amazing escapes with toy guns, worthy of a Hollywood script, including a daring helicopter breakout from the roof of a jail. He was finally released on parole in 2003. This documentary is an uplifting and universal story of a remarkable transformation. Michel Vaujour's greatest escape was not from jail but from himself. The liberation of the mind and ultimately, the soul. His isolation forced him to continuously confront himself. The reward has been self-enlightenment.


François Durrieux, a man in his forties, married to Clémence and father of Benjamin, has been employed for years by the firm DSBO. In order not to lose his job, he always submits to his boss's demands whether it means working after office hours, canceling planned holidays or harming his family life. However, when one night, Simon Lacaze, his best friend and colleague, commits suicide just after being fired ignominiously, François rebels...


Raphaëlle André is a brillant lawyer. The enigmatic death of her husband lead her into an investigation where she discovers new sides of the life of her late husband.


When his grandmother dies, Petit Bus goes to Pornic to find his mother.