Fábio Sabag

The old servant and chronicler Dom Sabas tells how his desolate South American town is the scene of a ruthless power struggle. The landowning Assis family, reduced to a widow and son, tries to hold out against the young, despotic mayor. No less effective then actions are anonymous rumors and accusations, which often stir the inhabitants' moves.


Maria Auxiliadora is a 24 year-old woman very poor, that she lives Joana, her 7 year-old daughter close to. Needing go look for the result of Joana's exam in the hospital, Maria asks the priest of the local church that takes care of her to return. In spite of Joana's insistence to go with the mother Maria insists that she is with the priest, because she distrusts that her daughter suffers of a serious disease. To entertain the girl while it awaits the mother's return, the priest decides to tell her a mother's history that dedicated her life to the son: Mary, mother of Jesus Christ.


Que Rei Sou Eu? é uma telenovela brasileira do gênero capa e espada produzida pela Rede Globo e exibida no horário das 19 horas, entre 13 de fevereiro e 15 de setembro de 1989, em 185 capítulos. Foi escrita por Cassiano Gabus Mendes e Luís Carlos Fusco e dirigida por Jorge Fernando, Lucas Bueno e Mário Márcio Bandarra. Contou com Edson Celulari e Giulia Gam como protagonistas Natália do Vale, Daniel Filho, Marieta Severo, Cláudia Abreu, Stênio Garcia, Ítala Nandi, Edney Giovenazzi, Aracy Balabanian, Ísis de Oliveira, Paulo César Grande, Carla Daniel, Marcelo Picchi, Cristina Prochaska e Gianfrancesco Guarnieri como co-protagonistas Tato Gabus Mendes, Jorge Dória, Antônio Abujamra, Tereza Rachel, Carlos Augusto Strazzer, Oswaldo Loureiro, John Herbert, Laerte Morrone e Vera Holtz como antagonistas principais da trama. Foi reapresentada pelo Canal Viva, de 7 de maio de 2012 à 18 de Janeiro de 2013 em 185 capítulos, substituindo Roque Santeiro e sendo substituída por Rainha da Sucata.


After arguing with his ex-girlfriend, truck driver Jorge hits the road again, while remembering the past and questioning his friendship with his manipulative boss.


In Rio de Janeiro's bohemian district called Lapa, during the '40s, a stylish and popular scoundrel exploits a cabaret singer, and earns his living by means of petty swindles. But then he meets Ludmila, the cabaret owner's daughter, who wants to get rich smuggling goods in times of war.


Adaptation of Graciliano Ramos's novel about his arrest and imprisonment.


Biography of a Brazilian dancer who lived on an island and practiced nudism when it was forbidden by law.


The destiny of four women - a beautiful model, an alcoholic, a middle-aged spinster and a famous model - is traced inside an advertising agency. They all look for true love and professional recognition, but get involved in turbulent relationships instead.


In the early seventies in Rio de Janeiro, detective Mariel Moryscötte de Mattos belonged to a special police force called "The Golden Men". This powerful group of the elite of the police was created with the intention of eliminate crime from Rio de Janeiro, and they had privileges above law to expedite their action against the outlaws. However, absolute power in wrong hands corrupts, and this group formed the "Death Squad", executing criminals without the conventional trial from the justice.


A poor young woman, unhappy with her inevitable destiny as a suburban housewife, gets a job as a nanny for a wealthy family and falls in love with her employer's brother, using every trick to win him over and ultimately become the lady of the mansion. .


Brazilian comedy in two segments. 'Theft of the Panties': Four friends are broke during Christmas. Genaro decides to rob a brothel because he thinks that the victims won't call the police. To get to know the place, one of the friends, Alfredo, disguises as a woman and goes there with Genaro. They set up a plan and then return to execute the robbery. 'I Love Cod': The owner of a bar in the suburbs, the Portuguese Manuel, wins the sports lottery. Three mechanics find themselves wronged for having almost won the prize and abduct Manuel's wife, demanding ransom. Manuel refuses to pay, as he finally got rid of his wife and can now win the woman of his dreams. Knowing this, the wife collaborates with the kidnappers to reverse the plan: Manuel will have to pay the ransom if he does not want to see her again.


The real story of the failed attempt of an independence coup by a group of intellectuals and rich men during Brazil's colonial days, from its beginning to the execution of Tiradentes.


Man raised in a brothel tries to earn his living as a pimp, but gets in trouble when his girlfriend cheats him with an older man.


Hit man does his part in a deal, but doesn't get the money he was promised. For the treason, he decides to eliminate them all.


Bruno is a physician whose license had been revoked, due to some ethical problems in the past. He gathers some criminals to kidnap the children of two powerful bankers. While the police faces contradictory evidence and clues, Bruno starts killing the other criminals, to keep the ransom for himself.


Based on a radio show that was broadcast for 11 years (1947-1958) and ended only when the host and creator, the genius Henrique Foreis "Almirante" Domingues, had a stroke. There were hundreds of horror stories, supposedly true, sent by listeners from all corners of the country, radiophoned and broadcast by Rádio Tupi in Rio de Janeiro. It became a book in 1951 (reissued in 1984), a film in 1969 and a TV show in 1994-1995, broadcast by the extinct Rede Manchete.

The story of Antônio Francisco Lisboa, the famed Brazilian sculptor and architect born in the 17th century who became known as "Aleijadinho".

Jerry is a tutor at an orphanage. On the first day of vacation, the boys go to the beach with Professor Teobaldo and find a skeleton and a treasure map. Word spreads and a rush for gold begins. On the one hand, Jerry and Neyde, television colleagues; on the other, the director of the station, Indalécio, and his lover Aphrodite; finally, the evil Rock Trombada, in the company of scientist Bertini and Daniel. On Treasure Island, the three camps promote mutual sabotage. After many confusions, Trombada flees with the treasure to the ship's cemetery but they are surrounded by the boys and Indalécio. It's the final war. But it is Jerry who will take the wealth in order to improve the situation at the orphanage.

Based on real-life Brazilian bandit "Mineirinho", the film follows the story of Zezé, a man falsely accused by sensasionalist press of being a high-caliber criminal who suddenly becomes one of the most wanted men of Rio de Janeiro.
