Fabíola Trinca

Cintia is modern princess, she's connected, decided and loves music. This "pop" princess used to live with their parents in a huge castle with a nice view to the city. Every night she looked through the window and watch the view dreaming with a prince she didn't met yet. But one day her castle crumbles with everything around her, after her parents divorce she went to live with her aunt and stops believing in love. What she didn't knew was that there was a charming prince in her history, that wanted to break the ice around our modern day cinderella.


The pop band Slavabody Disco Disco Boys, a fever among girls from all over Brazil, announces that it will play in Rio de Janeiro. Gabi, Manu and Ritinha will do everything they can to watch the show far from the city where they live.


The biography of the Brazilian YouTuber Christian Figueiredo.


"The Cariocas", a series in ten stand-alone episodes, tells the story of ten modern-day women against the beautiful backdrop of Rio de Janeiro and its stunning urban landscapes. Our protagonists are uninhibited, adulterous, vindictive, suicidal, envious, brides, betrayed, deluded. Women with distinct beauty and quaint peculiarities, each one has a particular way of life.
