Fanny Burdino

Today is Raphael’s funeral. His young wife Lola doesn’t know what to do with her sadness, or with her 7-year-old son’s, or with anyone’s. Her sister Margaux is here, though they have been estranged for years. On their way to the ceremony, Lola forces Margaux to flee the procession and to take them away from this sad reality. During this improvised trip, the two sisters will rediscover each other and relearn freedom. The freedom of not wanting to bury the man you love.

After his wife dies, a 75 year old retiree has to put up with the intrusion into his idle life of other family members.

A mother of two gathers her loved ones to celebrate her birthday in her big house near the Loire Valley. The festivities are disrupted by the arrival of her daughter, who is known for her unpredictable outbursts.


Thomas is a drug addict. In an effort to put an end to his habit, he joins a community of former addicts who live isolated in the mountains and use prayer as a way to cure themselves.


There is one thing that Nicole, who is soon turning fifty, would have loved to be spared, is to learn that the symptoms that have been ruining her life for some time are not those of a latent menopause, but those of a real pregnancy! What a drag…


Isabelle Adjani is Carole Matthieu – a workplace physician employed in a call centre who has become emotionally involved in the suffering of her humiliated co-workers.


Marie and Boris decide to get a divorce after 15 years of marriage. Tensions rise when cash-strapped Boris must continue to live with Marie and the two children while trying to figure out how to divide the assets.

