Fanny Stavjanik

Fifteen-year-old Charlotte thinks her parents' relationship is perfect. It's all the more surprising for her when they get separated. Her parents' separation is her first lesson in life on how painful love can be. Charlotte has to move and go to a new school. Here she meets two boys, Sulzer and Carlo, who are best friends. While Sulzer is a shallow lady's man adored by girls, Carlo is his exact opposite. Their fateful meeting makes three inseparable friends out of them. But the question remains if love isn't hiding in the friendship of this trio...


While Berlin-based businessman Paul Graf is in Shanghai, his nosy busybody mother Maria, who was only to mind his apartment, opens his mail, finds a letter notifying he's to become father and without consulting him travels to see the expectant mother, Nina, at her home, uncle Harald Brandl's farm and stork home. Maria falls in love with Harald but also finds the key to the Graf family's past, fled from Hungary during the Soviet-crushed rebellion. Paul arrives and finds Nina impossible to deal with, yet wants a bond with his unborn son.


Eva has mainly cared for her young son in recent years, but now the charming mid-thirties wants to return to her job as an interior designer. The talented designer applies for the equipment of a hip scene, but does not receive any support from either her busy husband or her retired father. In this emergency, the old childhood friend Lucy comes in, who makes the prototypes for Eva's designs in her small carpentry shop. Even as a substitute father for Eva's little son Jona makes the carpenter a good figure.

Johann Stanzerl sieht sich umzingelt. Alle anderen Geschäftslokale seines Wiener Viertels sind bereits in türkischer Hand. Nur sein geliebtes Café "Prinz Eugen", benannt nach dem berühmten österreichischen Feldherrn, der die Türken an der Einnahme Wiens hinderte, leistet mit seiner österreichischen Stammkundschaft noch Widerstand. Johann und seine Frau Sofie sind im Begriff, ihr Kaffeehaus zu erweitern. Der Pachtvertrag mit dem Grafen Wildmannsdorf ist unterzeichnet, die illegale Ablöse bezahlt. Der Tag des feierlichen Mauereinrisses, der dem Durchbruch in den zukünftigen Raucherraum dienen soll, läuft jedoch anders als geplant: Statt der polnischen Arbeiter taucht der türkische Geschäftsmann Mustafa mit seiner Familie auf und ist dabei, die Mauer von der gegenüberliegenden Seite niederzureißen.


Bremen, 1891. Udo Jürgens' grandfather Heinrich strolls thoughtfully about the Christmas market. For days, the young man has suffered a momentous decision: should he emigrate to America or seek his fortune in Moscow? The touching performance of a street musician playing a Russian song on his bassoon gives him an unexpected decision-making aid. Henry sets off for Russia - and thus begins a fateful story that spans three generations and two world wars.


In a successful mixture of wit and situational comedy "With all my heart" tells of the clash of two people who could hardly be more different - and therefore find each other. Gudrun Landgrebe and Christian Kohlund play the unequaled dream couple, Berno Kürten has staged the smart romantic comedy.


The Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph falls in love with the young Elisabeth. It's love at first sight but Franz Joseph's mother Sophie doesn't approve this love.


Girl friends – Freundschaft mit Herz is a German television series.
