Felice Minotti

A kind of Italian Robin Hood leads a fight against a tyrant and his henchmen.

The city of Pola is being evacuated after the peace conference of 1947 decided to assign the sovereignty to Tito's Jugoslavia. However the main character decides to stay, thinking that communism might bring him a better future. Life turns to be hard for him and his family until he changes his mind, but he is killed before he can leave the country.


"Black Crossing" - In an Oriental port a group of people embarks a trader designated for Europe. One of them, a shady individual, entrusts the captain with a box of valuables to be kept until the end of the journey.

Venice Film Festival 1938


A young girl is abducted by her tutor, and they set off in a ship which has a sheik on board, who tries to molest her, but she is saved by a sailor. He and Maciste fight off the entire crew but the girl is captured again by the sheik and carried off to his harem, where Maciste and the sailor rescue her and take her back to Italy.


It's another Pastrone collaboration with silent-cinema hottie Pina Menichelli, who ruins a painter's life just for ths sheer fun of it.


Directed by Febo Mari.


Saturnin Farandoul birth was marked by adventure: saved by the waters, raised by monkeys, taken in by sailors, becoming captain of a frigate, he sets off to explore the five or six known and unknown worlds with his loyal crew. Beneath the sea he encounters love in the person of the beautiful Mysora; on land he comes up against a mad wise man, a Machiavellian mandarin and bloodthirsty Apaches but nothing will be able to stop his desire to travel.
