Felipe Arriaga

Softcore sex-farce about a guy with a really big lump in his underpants...and all the women who flock to him.

After winning a bet, Lalo goes on vacation with his two daughters and his best friend, they will try to keep Lalo's daughters away from perverted boys.


A man has his tongue cut out by bad guys, later tracks them all down, and kills them one by one.

Trucker accepts an assignment to haul an extremely dangerous load of explosives from Tijuana to Mexico City.


Young man grows up thinking that his father's murderer is dead but wanting revenge against the guys who hired him to commit that crime.

Unsympathetic portrait of a man who's too macho to display his feelings.


Six male cousins gather at uncle's farm to woo three female cousins. Hijinks.

Domestic melodrama about infidelity set against an illegal immigration/"making a better life" background.


Ranchera love triangle resolved with violence.

Felipe goes home for a holiday and discovers that everything in town has changed in his absence; old don So-and-so is running around forcing people to sell their farms to him and killing them if they refuse.

Two salesmen compete for top honors at the company they represent.

Monte law begins as a love story in September in the Mexican Revolution years. To seal their oath to love a boy and girl names recorded on a stalk. Years pass and go their separate ways, but one day the man returns to the same place where the tree meets girl turned woman and resume their love, but soon has to leave again because he has to return to the revolution
