Ferdinando Maria Poggioli

The quiet days of two elderly spinster sisters are changed for good with the unexpected arrival of their nephew.


The baron of Santafusca, descended from a noble family, leads a dissipated life. To pay debts he is forced to sell his house. He tries to steal from the house of a very rich priest and, surprised during the theft, he kills the priest, and then throws the body in an abandoned well. He continues his life of revelries and luxury, until the remorse for the crime trigger a process of self-destruction. The nightmares of the baron, tormented by the only evidence left of the murder, the hat of the priest ,drags him into a daring and hallucinated series of ups and downs to the brink of insanity and jail.


A film based on the book Il marchese di Roccaverdina by Luigi Capuana about a marquis who is in love with his servant Agrippina but is unable to marry her because of her status. The marquis commands his trusted subject to marry her in his stead as long as he vows not to have sex with her.


A modern retelling of The Taming of the Shrew shot in wartime Italy.


Directed by Ferdinando Maria Poggioli.

Italian film directed by Ferdinando Maria Poggioli.

A university student falls in love with a seamstress. But one day he meets a beautiful woman and things become complicated.


A film about the story of princess Élisabeth Tarakanova.


Gaby is expelled from school after a married teacher commits suicide after telling her he can't live without her. Though she has done nothing, she is punished for his act.
