Ferdynand Matysik

Beata, Bożena and Magdalena are waiting for their husbands-seamen in the Tri-City.

Izabella works at her aunt's shop in a small town in Poland. Police are after a man who rapes and kills women in the woods. The serial killer attacks her and when he asks for a kiss, she'll give him the kiss of death with pleasure..because she's actually a vampire woman!


A well-regarded engineer in a big enterprise is hounded by trumped up attacks on his integrity when he delves too deeply into how bonuses are handled by the management. He gets into an argument with the guard, is arrested and subsequently fired. An old friend, a journalist, tries to sort things out but the victim's stubbornness and past problems with his wife lead to lossess by both.


This movie is about a rocket pilot named Pirx who is hired to go on a mission to evaluate some nonlinears (robots) for use as crewmembers on future space flights. Pirx and his crew, made up of nonlinears and humans, are sent out to launch two satellites into the rings of Saturn. Upon returning to Earth there is an inquest to determine if Pirx was responsible for the "accident." In the end, it is found that one of the robots caused the malfunction in an attempt to kill the human crewmembers and Pirx is cleared of all charges. In this tale Lem puts forth the idea that what is perceived a human weakness is in fact an advantage over a perfect machine. Pirx defeats the robot, because a human can hesitate, make wrong decisions, have doubts, but a robot cannot. A similar idea is present in Isaac Asimov's Robot Series, where putting a robot in a position where it cannot chose between the Three laws of robotics fries its positronic brain.


A dramatization of the Gleiwitz incident.

A boy escapes from a reformatory, but comes again into conflict with the law. During a robbery he hits a woman with a bottle on the head. He is convinced he killed her and because of his past thinks that nothing matters anymore. Only when he finds out that the victim did not die, he reveals the truth about what happened.


A Scotland Yard officer investigates the mysterious disappearance of a series of corpses. Based on the novel by Stanislaw Lem.


Meta, 1973. 16mm film, color, sound; running time unknown.


Police captain Wójcik conducts an investigation into the murder of a cashier from a state-owned enterprise. Despite seemingly numerous leads, the investigation gets stuck in a dead end – the victim had no enemies and nothing was stolen. Despite closing the case Wójcik feels that the key to solving the mystery is the murdered cashier and his past. Exploring this plot, he discovers a full-fledged spy affair, however, trying to catch the real murderer, he’ll have to risk his life, health and career.


The movie is about the fate of Polish soldier named Kaleń who fought with UPA in 1945. Set in the closing days of World War II, the film recounts the adventures of the Polish soldier caught in the turmoil among the Polish Communist army, anti-communist underground and Ukrainian fascists.


A man has been found dead after having been hurled from a train. As security agents, police and a medical examiner piece together his identity, three accounts emerge: one set during World War II, one in the immediate aftermath of the war, and one in contemporary Poland.
