Fermín Muguruza

Oct. 1965. Pamplona's troupe of giant figures, is invited to parade in NY. But not all of them will be allowed to appear: due to racial discrimination, the American authorities will ban the participation of the two black giants.


The countenance of Joseba Sarrionandia is multi-faceted, not only for having dabbled in all literary forms of expression, but for having been capable of creating his own imagery, composed of endless worlds. Thus, several of the elements appearing in the literary world will undoubtedly appear here: the sea, the port, childhood, trains, uprooting, war, destruction, love, drifting, pain, fantasy, mystery, initiation, torture...

In his new documentary the musician Fermin Muguruza follows path Zuloak rock band, composed entirely of women, to demand also providing other important musical artists.


Come on an incredible journey through Palestine, guided by some of its best-known, most inspiring musicians! From singers Habib Al Deek and Muthana Sha'baan, to rappers DAM and Safaa Arapiyat, celebrated Le Trio Joubran and soul singer Amal Murkus, the richness and diversity of the local music scene is explored in this joyous documentary. The journey starts with footage of Marcel Khalife reading at Mahmoud Darwish's funeral, and the spirit of the late, great poet pervades the film. The screening will be followed by a live jam, featuring director Fermin Muguruza alongside some of the key artistes from the film.


An attempt to create a bridge between the different political positions that coexist, sometimes violently, in the Basque Country, in northern Spain. In order to do so, the recorded interviews are shown giving a sense of dialogue between parties that refuse to sit down and talk.


Ainhoa was born by a miracle in La Paz (Bolivia), after the death of her mother Amanda in a simulated car accident. She grew up in Cuba and in 1988, at the age of 21, she traveled to the Basque Country to discover the land of her father Manex. In the midst of repression and political conflict, she meets Josune, a committed journalist, and her gang of friends. After one of them dies of a heroin overdose, Ainhoa and Josune set out on an initiatory journey that will take them across Lebanon, Afghanistan and the city of Marseille. These are the last years of the Cold War and they will delve into the dark world of drug trafficking networks and their close links to political plots.