Fernando Ceylão

Lucidreide's home becomes a hell after the arrival of her mother-in-law, who evicted, decides to live there. Abandoned by her husband Dermirréi and unable to lead her home in front of her five children, she only has the desire to go away. Without understanding the size of a space voyage, Lucidreide accepts to participate in a mission that will take the first man to the Red Planet and is signed uo by the son of her bosses, Tavinho. He recalls that his father was selecting a person to integrate a training that would take a Brazilian to Mars. Believing that she is going to make her children happy, she leaves for training at Cape Canaveral in the United States.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1950. In the conservative home of the Gusmão family, Eurídice and Guida are two inseparable sisters who support each other. While Guida can share with her younger sister the details of her romantic adventures, Eurídice finds in her older sister the encouragement she needs to pursue her dream of becoming a professional pianist.


Lonely, frustrated, and unable to do anything that gives meaning to their lives, Vladimir, Clivia, Regina and Primo trace an absurd plan: to kidnap a millionaire. Yet, they have no experience with crime or any notion of what this kind operation entails. As they take practical steps forward, their fears and ambitions are revealed.


Geraldine is a fairy who lost their wings by using unconventional methods in their missions. Her last chance to retrieve them will be the mission "Julia".


Zero (Wagner Moura) is a brilliant scientist, but unfortunate because 20 years ago was publicly humiliated and lost in college Helena (Alinne Moraes) the love of his life. One day, an accidental experience with one of his inventions makes him travel in time, more precisely, to the past. After the chance to change his story, Zero returns to this totally changed.
