Fernando de Fuentes

Experimenting in hypnotic regression to past lives, Dr. Edmund Redding of the Cowan Institute in Pasadena has discovered that Ann Taylor is a reincarnated Aztec woman. Via her recovered memories, she is able to lead Redding and his associates to a hidden chamber in the Great Pyramid of Yucatan, where they hope to find the lost treasure of the Aztecs. Instead, they find two mummified bodies - one of a modern man, quite dead, and the other of an ancient Aztec, quite alive. They are able to return safely to Pasadena with both finds, but a rival professor, Janney, kills Redding and steals the body of the modern man-mummy. This he subjects to a resurrection experiment, which works - only the mummy proves to be a werewolf. Two supernatural menaces roam the city that night. This film is composed of footage from two unrelated Mexican horror movies, LA CASA DEL TERROR and LA MOMIA AZTECA, plus new footage shot in the U.S. by Jerry Warren.


Ranchera singer and his sidekick travel to Argentina to mix it up with a playboy who bragged to them about the tour he'd book for them.

A Mexican singer travels the world and finds love in Argentina.


Alberto Medina is a very famous composer and is on a field trip when his car runs out of gas and goes downhill. While looking for help, he finds the Valverdes' house and is welcome by Emilia, the mother of the family, who is known for giving shelter to tramps. The rest of the family disagrees, because the last one disappointed her. In a story of family situations, funny moments and jealousy, Alberto ends up earning everyone's respect and has a special connection with the oldest daughter, the beautiful Susana, and they fall in love.


Upon her arrival to the village San Ignacio, Gabriela meets Raúl, owner of a residence that her grandfather administrates. He doesn't reveal his real identity and they fall madly in love. Tania, Raúl's sister-in-law, secretly loves him and she decides to separate them by simulating a car accident from which Gabriela temporarily becomes paralized. Aware that they will marry, Tania makes the girl believe that Raúl is marrying her out of compassion, causing Gabriela to disappear from the residence...


A group of nuns raise an abandoned baby as their own inside a convent.


Tin-Tan wants to builds an ice cream machine.


Two brothers known in town for their womanizing, drinking and rowdiness meet their matches when two girls who like them decide to tame the two machos.


Adaptation of Dostoyevsky's novel about a student who plans a conceptual murder and then butts heads with a police detective.


Bernardo is in love with Adela and although she does not belong, he has always helped her family although they only care about money and not the virtues of man.


Remake of famous 1936 ranchera musical.


A charro and his sidekick go to Spain to collect an inheritance.


A Mexican film noir revolving around a crime: the suicide of one of Diana (María Félix)'s lovers and the disposal of his body in order to avoid a scandal. Diana not only engineers the entire scheme, but drafts her two other suitors: her fiance Adolfo (Julio Villareal) and his nephew Miguel (Luis Aldas).


Young landowner wants to get married, but family problems are interfering with his plans.


Venice Film Festival 1947


Ambitious young woman climbs the social ladder. A bit too fast.


A woman hardened by her past now runs a ranch she acquired through manipulation and bribery.


Romantic triangle, land-owner and two employees.


Divorced mother struggles to raise her large family.


A 1941 film directed by Fernando de Fuentes.


A 1940 film directed by Fernando de Fuentes.

A 1940 film directed by Fernando de Fuentes.

Lives of the tenants in a shabby-genteel apartment house. Miserly landlord learns valuable life lessons.


It is the story of a beautiful Tehuana woman who falls in love with a sailor who leaves with the promise of returning, but due to her delay she decides to accept a former suitor as her husband. Finally, when the marriage is about to materialize, the sailor returns creating an emotional conflict in her that is resolved thanks to her fiancé who, by intuiting her true feelings, leaves her free to stay with the sailor


Aging bank-teller gets mixed up with a nightclub singer.

The 1910 Mexican Revolution is on its way when six brave peasants, known as "Los Leones de San Pablo", decide to join Pancho Villa's army and help end the suffering in their community by assisting in the struggle. Together, they will endure the tragedies and hardships of a civil war.


Fernando de Fuentes was among the most famous and versatile writer-directors of Mexican cinema’s Golden Age, etching his style on genres as varied as the Western and the musical. In his immigrant melodrama The Dressel Family, De Fuentes addresses the “problem” of the ferreteros: successful bourgeois German families who established their own self-sufficient community within Mexico City, but in doing so—it was widely felt—preserved their haughty colonialist attitudes toward the native population. The head of the Dressel household is a proud and stubborn German matriarch who, disdainful of her son’s mixed marriage, sets out to destroy the reputation of his young wife, a Mexican radio singer (played by the beautiful and talented Consuelo Frank).


16th-century swashbuckler; evil nobleman usurps another man's title and properties and forces his daughter to marry a political ally. But Cruz Diablo will have revenge!


Alfonso, Eduardo and Cristina get lost when visiting a forest. A strange monk finds them and takes them to an ancient convent. There, the three amigos suffer personality changes, specially Cristina who tries to seduce Alfonso in a strange coincidence to a story told by an old monk. After some efforts to escape, Alfonso is trapped inside a jail and more strange and macabre situations happen.


During Mexican Revolution, Rosalio Mendoza survives by making and winning favors from both factions, the governmental forces and Zapata's Army. His hacienda welcomes everybody, and Mendoza is considered a good friend of his guests. Eventually, the situation becomes unsustainable and he has to take sides. Betrayal and deception overcome and Mendoza's dark side surfaces


Llorona is a figure unique to Mexican folklore -- the wailing spirit of a woman who lost or killed her child and now returns to seek revenge and haunt the living. With its framing story and flashback structure, this film sets forth a couple of variations of the story.


Colonel Carrasco's wife Marta leaves him taking his young son. The child, Juan, grows into an admirable and well-mannered young man. Having been promoted to a higher rank of power amidst the Mexican Revolution, the indulgent and corrupt Colonel accepts a bribe to free a revolutionary, Felipe Martinez, from his prison. Martinez has been sentenced to execution at the hands of a firing squad. Carrasco asks to have the revolutionary replaced by absolutely anyone. In a twist of fate, that anyone turns out to be his own long lost son Juan. Upon receiving this news, Marta races to the prison and explains the predicament to Carrasco. He subsequently desperately attempts to prevent the gunning down of his son by his very own government officials.


A 1933 film.

Costume-drama, 1840s: bandits prey on the town of Yautepec for over twenty years.


Carmen is in poverty because his dad died. She's start working in a beauty salon in México City. There's she meet Frank, the son of a important oil company president. Then, she meet Oscar at the Beauty Saloon too, who sell her to a cabaret in Shangai. After that she became spy of the Chinese Empire.