Fernando Esteso

A walk through the golden age of Spanish exploitation cinema, from the sixties to the eighties; a low-budget cinema and great popular acceptance that exploited cinematographic fashions: westerns, horror movies, erotic comedies and thrillers about petty criminals.


Miguel Gila (1919-2001) was a Spanish actor and stand-up comedian, famous for his surreal phone conversations with imaginary people, and a skillful cartoonist; an idolized star, a king of laughter.

Crooked cop Torrente gets out of jail in the year 2018 to find a different Spain from the one he knew.


In Lethal Crisis, the world's most uncouth private eye is framed for a crime he didn't commit in the riotous fourth installment of the Torrente series.


Federico received a letter containing a few photos very involved with a girl. The problem is that his wife Alicia have seen those pictures, and decides to leave. To make matters worse, the next day comes to visit his uncle Federico millionaire and asks her maid to pose as his wife Alice for 24 hours so that it does not find out, but this will only the beginning of a big mess ...


A village is under the yoke of two bands of thiefs assaulting them every week. The mayor, in search of a solution, has decided to write a letter to Bill 'Warlock', the fastest man in the west.


Lola is a beautiful young girl who is going to have a child but doesn't know who is the father. So she says, first Paco and later Ataulfo ​​that the child is his. This causes the friends the enemisten and separate from Lola. Finally, reflect and come back for deciding that love between her and take care of the child. Then see who is closer, but in fact, none of them wants to take responsibility for the child.


Parody of a real event, the expropriation of RUMASA holding, owned by businessman Jose Maria Ruiz Mateos by the government led by Felipe González. The film chronicles the adventures of three friends José María (Antonio Ozores), Ruiz (Juanito Navarro) and Mateo (Raul Sender), dividing the shareholders of a company in serious economic crisis. Faced with adversity, go to the National Government requesting the expropriation of the company, so you do not have to worry about the salaries of the workers, or their own.


Amalio and Florencio are two cabaret artists who divorce their wives and stay with custody of their children. An unscrupulous cheat the two rent both of them the same dilapidated house. There will have to live both trying to get ahead as a team of magicians who happens to be a failure. But thanks to the ideas of their children, both parents are a couple of musical comedy that, despite initial failures, is a great success with the participation of the kids. Moreover Amalio and Florencio try to flirt with girls that are radically different from their wives but the kids will all the impediments that have no future.


David is married and has no children. However, outside of marriage, he has longstanding relationships with Susi and Laly, with whom he has had a child with each. He has promised both of then, separately of course, that when the divorce is permitted in Spain he will separate from his wife and regularize his situation with them. Divorce law is approved and conflicts begin. He cannot marry the two together.


Ramiro is a good man. He is a musician, but unemployment is so great that it has had to put Scottish bagpipes playing a Scotch Pub also married. One night coming home from work encountered in a corner, with Julian; believes has stolen his wallet and to take back what is theirs thinks Julian attacks is municipal councilor in the city. The theft of this portfolio will complicate the life of Ramiro, that of Julian and the many characters ...


Amador and Fidel are two small scammers operating in Torremolinos beach and surroundings with more misery than fortune.


Amancio is an entrepreneur who needs a son to inherit the shares of the Company to continue controlling the business. But it has a small problem, can not have children. One day, Amancio learns that the farm has on the field there is a gardener who has terrorized the inhabitants of a nearby town, for their ability to conquer women. So he decides to take his wife to the farm in order to stay in a state of good hope.


Third Roque Gonzalez is a freeloader who lives with his friend Federico, famous ex-jockey who is now racing in hours after low fat. Federico can not shake off Roque, as it constantly reminds that when they were seven, saved his life. The thing is that Frederic attends a gym with the hope of returning to thin enough to ride again, and learns that there Botija Kid, the champion of Spain in the welterweights, need to stake his title to qualify for the European Championship boxing. But of course, nobody wants to take a beating the champion, despite offering her coach bag. Among Paco, the owner of the gym, and Frederick, Roque to get rolling, deceived, you agree to fight the champion ... Parody of the popular movie "Rocky."


Fernando Esteso, Andres Pajares ..typical Spanish movie...FUNNY!


Fernando Esteso, Andres Pajares and Antonio Ozores... funny, sexy and great movie!!!


Orencio is a humble young man who helps his father in a humble business of a Castilian village. It has girlfriend, Angelita, and is very in love with her. But one day falls in hands of Vindemia, a young something lightweight helmets, who becomes pregnant and subsequently gave birth to five children. Then Vindemia marries with another man and goes to Switzerland. However, years after the superpotent of Orencio see how history repeats itself. And this time does not have very clearly if always lover Angelita will wait for it.


Onofre, who is forty years old, is still a virgin. He's going to put great efforts to leave this state...


Elena wakes up in a mental hospital room with no memory of anything. They tell him that he suffers from amnesia and that he suffers from paranoid schizophrenia. However, nothing is what it seems, and Elena will have to find a way to escape from there while fighting to keep her sanity and not confuse hallucinations with reality.