Fernando Soto

Young man returns from college to his family estate; when he learns that a rival family is trying to take over all available acreage, he gradually warms up to the idea of defending his turf.


Juan returns home to Mexico after working in the USA for awhile, and gets caught up in cowboy problems among his townsfolk.


La India Maria becomes the municipal president due to a ballot typo.


Class distinctions are an obstacle for a guy trying to woo his gal of choice.


She rejects him, but he's there for her, even after she gets married and then is abandoned by her babydaddy. Remake of Bajo El Cielo De Mexico (1958) (and also 1937?).


Tacos al carbón is a mexican movie released on june 8th 1972 on Mexico City.


Agapito, leader of the revolutionary movement of his state, comes to a town, kills all the federales, and gets a girl who was promised to him for his heroic deeds. He gets cleaned up, she falls for him, they get married, and guess what? He can't consummate the marriage. Why? Because the song "El Quelite" is playing in the background. His mother would sing that to him when giving him a bath. So now, he can't ge it up every time he hears it.


Homeless child is adopted by a Catholic priest.


Father and son butt heads over a mutual girlfriend, mostly.


A young charro's head is turned by a glamourpuss from the big city, and he has a hard time putting his life back together after she kicks him to the curb.


Rom-com about two horses. And some humans.


Adventure story,. set in the Venezuelan jungles.

Unmarried opera singer has a baby, and her friends convince her to pass it off as the grandchild of a wealthy old lady.

Tourists and exchange students find romance.


Juan from Altamira, Tamaulipas, arrives at the train station in the capital and is assaulted by Gus. As he finds only ten dollars in his wallet, he believes that Juan brings more money and offers him accommodation in his room to pay the rent. Juan is dedicated to singing and Gus makes his representative. Juan is successful singing together with Susana on stage and radio Azteca, but she does not correspond to his love. As she wants to succeed alone, she goes to Guadalajara but without success. Juan helps her and when she gets a heart illness, she agrees to marry him.


Elderly roue interferes in the love life of a young woman because she's secretly his daughter. Remake of En Tiempos De Don Porfirio.


Two rival gangs of outlaws are terrorizing a small town; el Comandante and his sidekicks pit them against each other and pick up the pieces.

Romantic complications and silliness when two farmhands are sent to the next town to track down their employer's daughter and baby-mama from thirty years earlier.

Lawman on horseback cracks a case involving stolen gold bullion, the title to a mine, an evil twin and a plucky pre-adolescent boy. First in a series.

A group of would-be beneficiaries gather for the reading of a will, and discover that they must spend the night in a spooky castle to gain their inheritance. A spooky housekeeper and a man who seems to be a vampire are just two of the obstacles that might deter them.


Jungle adventure about the search for a lost treasure.

Half-dozen comic actors in a spooky house.


Little cowboy-fella, believed to be an orphan, helps his sheriff buddy to stamp out crime. Second of two in series.

Two brothers are trying to raise emergency cash by doing cockfights and horse-races. They meet two sisters.

Masked hero on horseback,. number 1 of short-lived series.


Government official in charge of land grants for tenant farmers gets into a ruckus with the feisty daughter of a landower whose estate is up for redistribution.

Stage-struck small town girl is invited to join a vaudeville troupe.

The Argumedo cousins have their clothes stolen while taking a shower, and they must find it at all costs, because there's a winning lottery ticket in their pockets.


Playboy bachelor poses as a woman's husband to protect her daughter's reputation at a private school. Remake of El Mil Amores (1955).


A doctor and his assistant hunt down a vampire named Count Frankenhausen, who is terrorizing the populace.


Rivalry and romance between the leaders of a male mariachi band and a female one.


An American priest is hired as coach at a Mexican university; he trains his students in the ways of American football and moral rectitude. You ain't gonna sire no babies out of wedlock on Father Lambert's watch, no siree!


Millionaire goes slumming, meets a girl...


Young heiress discovers irregularities in the handling of her late father's mine and goes into action-hero mode to correct them.

Frustrated salaryman responds to career setbacks by embarking on a life of crime.


Third film of a trilogy -- all the secondary tasks have been completed and cowboy-justice-action-hero El Norteno settles the score with those cheating cheaters who deprived the young heiress of her inheritance.

White-hat with two sidekicks masquerades as a priest to break the stranglehold a blackhat has on a small town.


The new Sheriff is framed for a series of stagecoach robberies, but he succeeds in finding the real thieves.

Hero on horseback.


Romantic comedy about two school-teachers with show-biz aspirations.

Horseman. With a mask on. First in a series, "El Norteño."

Inocencio Prieto y Calvo receives a letter telling him he is the heir to his uncle's fortune of two million pesos. Not being able to read he has no idea of who sent the letter or its content. So he goes to the drugstore because the pharmacist can read the letter to him. But while waiting to be helped he sees that a young girl can read. He figures he has to be able to discover the letter's content by himself and decides he will save the letter and go to school, and wait to read the letter on his own.


Neither party pf an arranged marriage wants to comply with their parents' expectations, and he & she both come up with plans to sabotage the proceedings.


Anthropologist goes to small town to do field work supporting her theories about the primitive/subhuman origins of machismo.

Two showgirls need to find husbands in order to collect an inheritance.


Cowboy hero tries to track down the deed to Pappy's mine.

Border town is overrun with wastrels and scofflaws, so the City Council decides to hire a notorious gunslinger to help them clean up their streets.

Gloria sells dolls in benefit of UNICEF and is interested in putting on an international show. In a hotel in Acapulco the ranchero Javier, the Muslims Mustafa and Ali, the Brazilian Mr. Carioca and the charro José Lorenzo meet to carry out the project. Among the men there will be a series of entanglements to dispute the love of the young woman.

Mexican singer touring Argentina wins a country estate in a poker game.


Aspiring big-band singer who doubles as an art forger takes in a teenaged runaway who wants to be a showgirl.

A Mexican steer rancher goes to Spain to get some bulls he bought but that were never delivered. He meets a flamenco dancer during his stay in Madrid and falls for her.


Mom and Dad convince studious college girl to enroll in a beauty pageant, hoping to win big cash prize at the end of the rainbow.

Spoiled rich kid from a cattle ranch is pretending to study at university so he can hang out in the city and live large... until his family forces him to straighten up his act; he moves back to the ranch, accompanied with some urban-fauna hangers-on,, a-a-a-and...


Two men and two women meet and pair off (m/w x 2) during the town Festival in San Marcos. Later, weddings.

Itinerant folk-singer returns to his home town, gets caught in two intersecting love triangles. It ends badly.


When a romantic orchestra won't change their boring style into something more modern to get gigs, their girlfriends split and form a rock and roll orchestra that quickly becomes talk of the town. The guys are furious since they are relegated to their opening act as a comical number, but when the League of Virtue protests against the new satanic music, the old-fashioned music seems to win the day.


Sequel to "Los bandidos de Rio Frio," reopening all the subplots from the first movie to make each of the narrative arcs swing unmistakably to justice.


A Mexican singer travels the world and finds love in Argentina.


Young rancher who's trying to avenge his father's murder is framed by an enemy for an unrelated crime.

Rich family's maid thinks that maybe if she plays her cards right, she can land a moneybags husband. There's also a really cute auto mechanic, though, and...


Confronted with the unfortunate news that their favorite Streetcar, no. 133, is going to be decommissioned, two Municipal Transit workers get drunk and decide to "take 'er for one last spin," as it were. Unfortunately, the "one last spin" ends up being an all-night and all-day scramble to stay out of trouble, as they are confronted with situation after sometimes bizarre situation that prevents them from returning the "borrowed" Streetcar!


Series western, Masked Avenger on horseback.

The simple life and the values ​​of loyalty and solidarity of the poor people in the environment of professional boxing, is the plot of this film, where Pepe el Toro shows the effort and tragedies that are experienced in this profession.


Couple with preteen children break up; Dad meets a new woman and they marry. The children grow up, and they're spoiled-y rich kids flirting with criminal lawlessness. Cue the violins.


To conquer the beautiful vedette Rosita, journalist Tin Tan is subject to her whims. Fired along with his friend Narciso from the newspaper they worked, Tin Tan trying to sell a movie plot. A woman looking to buy it and Tin Tan will visit her in a gloomy mansion where a mess is unleashed.


Authorities close down a restaurant after a violent crime is committed on the premises; the employees look for new jobs and try to track down the murderer.


Carmela is a Gypsy singer who sells lottery tickets. She meets two penniless Mexican brothers and they buy a ticket between the three: if it is awarded, could share the prize and go to Mexico, they to return to their homeland and her for bullfighter boyfriend whom has no news. The fate accompanies them, but, on reaching Mexico, her boyfriend rejects her. This way, she ends up acting in a cafe where reaps many successes.


Spoofy south-sea adventure, mostly about the hot babes.


Spanish bullfighter and a Mexican one have a friendly rivalry spanning decades.


Small-town rom-com from a female POV.

Out-of-work actor and his burglar pal get jobs at an agency that pledges to do things the client doesn't want to deal with. Meanwhile, their boss is being stalked by seven Italian brothers who want revenge for something that happened to their great great grandfather.


Candida is a Galician who lives in Mexico and has been selling lottery tickets. Her dream is to buy an inn, but doesn't have enough money. In his quest for trying to do, she run with a scammer. In a stroke of luck he won first prize in the lottery, but the misfortune is merciless with her ​​because she don't find the ticket.


Sculptor becomes infatuated with model. Everyone suffers.


Shady characters try to buy the corner shop and destroy a decent family's livelihood.


In the drama, a father, firmly believing that the baby daughter in his arms is not his own, abandons her upon the doorstep of the town drunk. Many years pass, and the man finds himself continually wracked with guilt about deserting her.


Woman and her daughter try to get on with their lives and run their family bakery while dealing with abusive alcoholic husband/father and other family problems.

Two small-town hell-raisers get so out of hand the authorities have to step in to rein them in.


A series of misadventures leaves a city slicker trapped into a shotgun marriage with a country gal. Back home in Mexico City, he tries to scam his way out of his marriage and set things right with his previous fiance...


Sara Garcia plays the mother of a Mexican family from the early twentieth century, devoted and submissive. Supports her husband impeding wedding of his daughter's suitor political ideas, so she participates in singleness of that which will become the main drama of the story. It is also witnessed the leaving home by their children, who return only after his death.


Gender-reversal comedy about husband and wife trading places.


Romantic triangle on the hacienda.

Pedro has had many lovers but he only loves one of them, but this romance stop going on for his flirts with other women.


Bratty rich girl plays practical jokes on the man that she'll obviously end up marrying.


A snake-charmer falls in love with a circus trapeze artist who trains her and has her debut in this discipline.


Union-organizing and labor/management conflicts among Mexico City bus-drivers. Sequel to "Esquina, Bajan!"


Returning to his home town, seminarist Miguel is forced to trade the robes for a charro costume in order to solve several problems that appear in his way, including the female kind.


Sequel to "Juan Charrasqueado." Juan Jr. discovers that the woman he's engaged to is the daughter of the man who killed his father.


Roving cowboy good-guys defend a farm family from the outlaw gang that's trying to take over their homestead.

Pepe el Toro is married to Celia la Chorreada and they have two children.


Adventures on horseback. Plus romances.

Hard-living horse-trainer has a thing with an aristocratic woman... but her brothers aren't happy to see her involved with someone beneath her station.


This is the story of three brothers (a priest, a soldier and an outlaw) that are raised separately by their godfathers once their mother dies. They cross their paths again when the soldier and the priest move into two towns near the town the outlaw lives in. The drama will unfold once the three brothers meet each other.


Ranch-heiress chooses a husband.


A young woman is brought before a prosecutor after stealing food. She is defended by Julio, a university professor who decides to exhibit her as an example in his class on the theory of theft. Then he hires her as a housemaid. Her face and charms won’t only save her family from serious quandaries; they will also inspire the professor’s love.


Ruled by a tough grandma (Sara García), the Garcías (Infante, Salazar and Mendoza) are three charro cousins who fall in love with young American-born Lupita (Marga López) and fight for her love until grandma quiets them.


Ruled by a tough grandma, the Garcías are three charro cousins who fall in love with young American-born Lupita and fight for her love until grandma quiets them.


A young ice cream vendor, Roberto Terranova, witnesses a child being beaten and comes to his aid by physically overpowering the aggressor. His strength and natural ability catches the eye of a well-known boxing trainer. Considering him a diamond in the rough, he aims to put Roberto in the professional ring. But Roberto finds that his personal challenges must be overcome before he can achieve professional greatness.


Heated rivalry over a bar-girl in a dive-y waterfront saloon.


Small-town Arabic family moves to Mexico City to live with the oldest son who made his career there. Follow-up (not a direct sequel) to El baisano Jalil (1942).


Man on death row narrates the story of his life from childhood up through the criminal activities he's being executed for.


A landowner indirect kills another because of false rumors. Time passes. The son of the dead want the offender to pay their share. It becomes generous bandit, but then he meets the daughter of his enemy and falls in love.


Two farmworkers emigrate to USA to work on a Texas ranch, then go home and put their lives back in order.


In Fuente Clara over ten years since any man born. The population, mostly female, are desperate and resorts to the reigning prince.


Cantinflas is a vagrant being evicted for not paying rent, after wandering gets a job at the 'Grand Hotel' through a friend, that's confused by Count Zapatini, who is undercover in the hotel, stealing a gem making this funny movie more complicated.


Cantinflas enjoys the bullfight show, and wants to crash in every of these spectacles. Also, there's a professional bullfighter, Manolete, who is identical to Cantinflas. Manolete has to give a bullfight show in a village, but Cantinflas arrives first as a stowaway in a train, and he'll be mistake by the real bullfighter. Cantinflas will give us a demonstration of courage.


The film of the thousand dancers, of the enchanting songs, of the sets that are splurge of luxury and beauty.