Filip Kosior

The first biographical documentary about the Polish science fiction writer Stanislaw Lem, a figure that poses many mysteries and paradoxes: how he managed to survive the Holocaust? He was communist or anticommunist? How could he keep abreast of science in Poland during the fifties? Why collaborated lifelong with Catholics if he was really an atheist?


It is a sunny summer day in 1943. Poland is under German occupation. A group of young people, inhabitants of a nearby village, goes to the forest to gather fir cones and brushwood to use as firewood. They talk, flirt and make plans for the future. However this outing has an unexpected outcome: a certain event that is new to them will change their lives and the lives of other people who appear as the story develops.


19-year-old Irena Gut is promoted to housekeeper in the home of a highly respected Nazi officer in Poland when she finds out that the Jewish ghetto is about to be liquidated. Determined to help 12 Jewish workers, she decides to shelter them in the safest place she can think of – the basement of the German Major's house. Over the next eight months, Irena uses her wit, humour and immense courage to hide her friends as long as possible.

Roza is looking for a new roommate. Karmen is looking for refuge.