Francesco Grandjacquet

Luchino Visconti's nephew's debut, also awarded at the Venice Film Festival. Detailing the title and translating: 'A (n upper middle-class love) story set in the italian town if Milan (at the beginning of the '60s)'


A socialite is murdered and her playboy lover is brought in for questioning. During his stay in custody we get to see the real sneaky playboy in action via flashback. Is he guilty or just a sleaze.


Paola, a Milan call girl, returns home to her village in the Abruzzi mountains in an attempt to go straight. Rejected by her father, blackmailed by a former lover, and lusted after by her brother-in-law, she turns to her beloved sister for support. Denied succor, like so many of Rossellini’s isolated figures, Paola awaits the arrival of her fiancé, who has offered her a new start, but instead decides that life is untenable.


ROME, OPEN CITY is a landmark in film history. Filmed in secrecy during the Nazi occupation of Italy, the film shows a realistic portrayal of the underground resistance in Italy in 1945. The film has strong impacting imagery with its mix of fiction and reality that strengthened Italian Neo-realism and the film industry.


An Italian film from 1943.