Francesco Vicario

Che Dio ci aiuti is an Italian television TV series.


I Cesaroni is an Italian television series produced since 2006 by Publispei and Mediaset RTI. The series is transmitted not only in Italy but also in Portugal, in the Czech Republic, Greece and Turkey. It is inspired by the Spanish series "Los Serrano". In Italy, the series is now in its fifth season and has been renewed for a sixth season.


Finalmente soli is an Italian television series.


Cristina, l'Europa siamo noi is a television series broadcast on Channel 4 in autumn 1991 with Cristina D'Avena, directed by Francesco Vicario, Cartonissimi within the program. It is the last television series starring Cristina D'Avena.

Cri Cri is an Italian television series.

Cristina is an Italian television series.

Arriva Cristina is an Italian television series.


Balliamo e cantiamo con Licia is an Italian television series. It is one of the four live adpatations of the Japanese manga Ai Shite Knight. It is the sequel to "Love me Licia", "Licia dolce Licia", and "Teneramente Licia".

Teneramente Licia is an Italian television series. It is one of the four live adpatations of the Japanese manga Ai Shite Knight. It is the sequel to "Love me Licia" and "Licia dolce Licia", and was followed by "Balliamo e cantiamo con Licia".
