Francine Bergé

A brilliant and determined female engineer is approached by a network of powerful women with an offer to help become the head of a CAC 40 firm. The conguest, which was at first thrilling, turns to complete war with the men who still dominate.


In the schoolyard, Chloe, 8, pushes your buttons to Hugo to force him to talk to Eric, his future new dad, who soon leaves his wife and children to live with her and her mother.


Ridden by guilt for not being able to have a child, wife decides to conceive by cloning. The daughter she gives birth to is therefor almost identical to her. The child starts to grow rapidly and slowly replaces mom in the household.


A movie director does a new film against heroin consumption, and the producers are heroin dealers.


Two French policemen, one investigating a grisly murder at a remote mountain college, the other working on the desecration of a young girl's grave by skinheads, are brought together by the clues from their respective cases. Soon after they start working together, more murders are committed, and the pair begin to discover just what dark secrets are behind the killings.


Comedy drama about an apathetic writer whose only interest is in his psychiatrist's watch which may have belonged to John F. Kennedy at the time of his assassination in 1963.


A bored, sexually frustrated woman's life improves when she begins hypnotherapy and tries feng shui, but her husband's life unravels.


"Un Crime" takes place over a single night, between 10pm and 6am. It takes place in a single setting - a millionaire's apartment in Lyon. The film is about the conflict between two men, alone, face to face in the closed world of the apartment. The first man is a famous lawyer named Dunand. The second is Frédéric Chapelin-Tourvel, Dunand's rich client, twenty years his junior. Throughout the night, Dunand tries to track down the truth. Did Frédéric kill his father and mother, in particularly barbarous circumstances ?


In this whimsical fable, Resnais deftly interweaves three story lines: the creation of an early-20th-century utopia; romantic high jinks at a school conference; and a fantasy sparked by F/X pioneer Georges Méliès.


Cannes Film Festival 1981

The film is set in a modern war, probably between a European country and a country in the Far East. Behind the battle lines, in a medical unit, a surgeon falls in love with an idealistic nurse after an initially difficult meeting.


A man comes back to his old haunts and surveys the changes around him

Paris, France, 1942, during the Nazi occupation. Robert Klein, a successful art dealer who benefits from the misfortunes of those who are ruthlessly persecuted, discovers by chance that there is another Robert Klein, apparently a Jewish man; someone with whom he could be mistakenly identified, something dangerous in such harsh times.


Set in 18th century France, a naive 17-year-old orphan named Benjamin is taken in by his wealthy aunt, the Countess de Valandry. There, he is seduced by a variety of women, including a few flirtatious maidservants and neighboring countesses who all want to be Benjamin's "first".


In eighteenth-century France, a girl is forced against her will to take vows as a nun. Three mothers superior treat her in radically different ways, ranging from maternal concern, to sadistic persecution, to lesbian desire.


We are in 1814, in Auvergne, in the dark fir forests of Livradois, near La Chaise Dieu. Gaspard and his beautiful cousin Anne-Marie see their love thwarted and their lives disrupted because of a treasure that an old uncle, who made his fortune in Guadeloupe, buried in the mountains of Auvergne.

In a chain reaction of romantic adventures, various people play musical beds in a remake of Max Ophul's "La Ronde."


A bourgeois family, who is harassed and humiliated, ruins their young maids without pay for several years.


Georges Franju's Judex is an arch, playful tribute to the serials of the influential silent filmmaker Louis Feuillade. Franju shuffles through the plot of Feuillade's lengthy serial of the same name, about an adventurer named Judex (Channing Pollock) whose revenge against the corrupt banker Favraux (Michel Vitold) unleashes a complicated series of schemes.
