Francis Lemonnier

A woman posing in erotic magazines is stalked by a maniac who kills the people around her.


Fred, a raffish safe blower, takes refuge in the Paris Metro after being chased by the henchmen of a shady businessman from whom he has just stolen some documents. While hiding out in the back rooms and conduits of the Metro, Fred encounters a subterranean society of eccentric characters and petty criminals.


Benoit has been driven to voyeurism and impotence due to having a cold, treacherous industrialist as a father and an exhibitionist aunt who constantly parades around nude. Jean-Pierre is a thief. Isabelle is a runaway whose stepfather tried to rape her. When the three cross paths, criminal activity, rape, madness and murder follow in this psycho-drama filled with soft-core sex.


Henry, a rich Londoner bored, shipwrecked in the Atlantic and ends up in San Francisco. The adventure has just begun. From the novel "Naufrage en eaux troubles" by François Ponthier.


Ingmar, a young Swedish architect, is engaged to Monika but, marriage being paradoxically a serious thing in Sweden, he wants to put his future wife to the test. For this purpose, the couple made a trip to France during which Monika saw her former lover, Jean-Pierre, who is now married to Pauline, who assured her husband that, if he cheated on her, he would their marriage is over.


In 1943, a group of high school students decide to take action against the Nazi occupying forces. Showing courage and imagination, they manage to blow up the Kommandantur and to release hostages. But after the killing of a German soldier the Nazi police apparatus strikes back. The young resisters are arrested and two of them are condemned to death.
