Francisco Di Franco

A group of friends in Sao Paulo see each other regularly in different venues of this huge metropolis, and act as their own de-facto family. They are similar in many ways, all upper middle class professionals between 28 and 32 years of age, and very conscious of their psyche and lives. The diversity within the group however, is also remarkable. It's made up about half men and half women. The men are the most diverse, ranging from your average guy looking for love to an Afro-Brazilian womanizing rich playboy, to a conflicted homosexual, heir to a business empire. It is the friendship (Amizade) and bond between these people that the film exposes, and at the same time it explores the different personalities of this apparently homogeneous, but actually psychologically diverse group of Sao Paulo yuppies. They stick together "'til friendship should ever separate them"


Three mad guys get an old car and a great confusion begins.


The loves and life of a beautiful Brazilian Indian woman.


Woman hires three clumsy adventurers to rescue her missing archaeologist father, who was trying to find the legendary King Solomon's mines.


Fleeing from the orphanage where he was living, young Valdo immediately entered the life of the crime, establishing himself as a dangerous adult criminal. However, his petty thefts do not satisfy him and he longs for bigger things and when he becomes a lover of Beth, the young criminal realizes that he can enrich himself very and very fast.


A private detective is hired to spy a married woman and ends up falling in love with her.

Tired of her boring husband, secretary Cordélia finds refuge in a love affair with her boss and afterwards, believes she has found true love in the person of a car salesman.


Paulo, an engineer, adopts shoe-shining teenage boy Darci, and slowly realizes he has more than just paternal feelings for him. Many twists follow, regarding Darci's true identity.


A knight, half soldier, half gaudério, dolphinfish hair in the sun, guitar on his back, enters the sleepy town of Santa Fe. Nobody could imagine that this man was also getting into their lives. Singing and drinking was winning the hearts of women and admiration of men. A storyteller of adventures, wars or lies? Based on the book by Erico Verissimo.


A poor and beautiful young woman living in the backwoods of the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, is protected by a peasant.


Country family strikes rich and move to the big city, but something changes.


A beautiful young woman living in an isolated fishing community on an island falls in love with an outsider, a train machinist. But her father, a violent religious fanatic interferes.


Márcia discovers that her husband is having an affair and decides to take a trip out into an isolated part of Brazil with little human contact. There she finds a black stallion roaming the fields.


After being deceived by a small time crook with a promise of a job for his family, Bernardino Jabá (Amácio Mazzaropi), his wife Marcolina Jabá (Geny Prado), their two sons, their daughter and their Spanish friend are mistaken as being "cangaceiros" (bandits from the Northeastern of Brazil). They help the police to arrest the outlaws, but Bernardino Jabá misses and is considered dead. When he returns to the small village one year later, the locals believe that it is his soul indeed.


Jeca Tatu is a lazy, simple-minded guy who has his property threatened by the greed of a landowner.
