Francisco Gaspar

In a forest based in the heart of Brazil, a girl sees her life – and everyone’s around her – change terribly, when she finds the Lost Book of Cypriano, whose Dark Magic, besides bestowing power and wealth on its possessor, is also able to deliver a terrible evil upon the Earth.


The Story of longtime UFC Featherweight champion and the struggles facing him on the road to the top.


São Paulo, 2007. Santana works as a dogcatcher, picking up stray animals. He is a friendly guy, averse to trouble, who has always kept violence away from the doorsteps of his home. One day, he catches a very big dog in a school. Some days later, comes the animal's owner: Babyface, a sociopath ex-cop. The man is furious, considering his dog to be "kidnapped", and demands immediate restitution of his pet. But the dog is not coming back: according to the law, the animal was put to sleep. In a misunderstanding, Babyface argue with Santana, blaming him for his pet's death. From this moment on, Santana's life will be completely changed.


After a hideous crime in a mansion by the forest, where a group of young people was found murdered, a suspicious clown tries to prove his innocence to the investigator that found him covered in blood.


During World War II, looking up the Mountain, in Italy, a Brazilian Expeditionary Force - FEB - mines weeping platoon is hit by a panic-attack that sets them running aimlessly right in the middle of 'no man's land'. Desperate cold and hungry, the ill-prepared soldiers have to choose between facing military court or delve deeper into enemy lines. After a tense discussion, they decide to save their faces with the Brazilian Army by tackling a daring military objective: to disarm the most feared minefield in Italy. On their way there, they end meeting two others deserters; a remorseful Italian soldier trying to join the Partigianos and German officer who is just simply tired of war. with unexpected help of their ex-enemy, the soldiers are set to accomplish a mission that so far had been deemed impossible.


A grieving father goes after the one responsible for the death of his daughter and discovers secrets that the young girl had hidden before she died. His search takes him to a nightclub where an enigmatic host promises to help him in exchange for something. Little did the father know the consequences of this agreement.