Francisco Gormaz

The story of 2 twin sisters separated at birth and raised in completely opposite worlds: Luchita Rivera and Dominga Vázquez de Acuña

Laura, returns to the hotel where her mother died in strange circumstances, to make justice.


The life of the Serrano brothers undergoes a radical change when they must face the ambition of their environment and the demands of the mine-workers. Things get worse when Guillermo Blake, an important mining businessman will try to destroy them and seize their wealth.

Fernanda returns to Chile ten years after the unevenful birthday party in which her twin sister Emilia died. She decides to organize a new party in the same house and with the same guests as ten years ago, but this time with the sole intention of discovering Emilia's murderer. Everyone is suspicious. Old unresolved conflicts, loves and hatreds will arise and everyone will try everything to prevent their darkest secrets from ever coming to light

Humans kill animals, animals kill humans, animals kill animals, humans kill humans.


A group of young Chileans travel to Puerto Rico where they will live an experience that will change their lives forever.
