Franco Prosperi

PCP is unexplainably released into the Frankfurt water supply and sends the zoo inhabitants crazy. One evening after a malfunction of zoo security the gonzo critters rampage through the city eating and killing whatever they fancy, wreaking a night of bloody terror. It's up to regular Italian-trash whipping girl Lorraine De Selle and obnoxious Super Mario lookalike zookeeper John Aldrich to sort it out.


A Mondo documentary that juxtaposes footage of death, carnage, and unpleasantness with scenes of inspiring and beautiful imagery.


Voltaire, a 16th century author was furious that learned members of a "civilized" society could claim that the apparent senseless violence and mayhem wrought by disasters, war, disease, man's cruelty, etc. was actually only a part of some 'greater good'. After all, God (being perfect) could not 'logically' have created anything but the 'best of all possible' universes.


Two documentary filmmakers go back in time to the pre-Civil War American South, to film the slave trade.


A shockcumentary about the end of the colonial era in Africa, portraying acts of animal poaching, violence, executions, and tribal slaughter.


The official sequel to the original shockumentary, presenting new and bizarre behavior from around the world, including cruelty, graphic gore, and strange rituals.


A mondo doc detailing the wild and weird world of women... around the world.


A documentary consisting of a series of travelogue vignettes providing glimpses into cultural practices throughout the world intended to shock or surprise, including an insect banquet and a memorable look at a practicing South Pacific cargo cult.
