Frank Alexander

Comedy short with ZaSuPitts and Thelma Todd. After accidentally getting a policeman friend fired, the girls must come up with some way to get him re-hired or be stuck with him as an unwanted roommate.


Zasu falls for a wrestler, drags Thelma to his next fight.


A burlesque of the popular melodrama MADAME X.


Ton O' Fun comedy produced by Larry Darmour.


A comedy short with Frank Alexander, Jack Cooper & Violet Palmer from the J.R. Bray Studios.


"Ton of Fun" comedy short.

A comic frightfest featuring Ton o' Fun.

No Overview


Fat, Fatty and Fatter are seen rescuing their old Ford from the scrap wagon that is hauling it away. And then report to work, where they have a dyspeptic boss. With the help of a monkey they manage to wreck the office.


A Larry Semon comedy short.


The plot of this film really isn't that important. Instead, the sight gags and chase scenes are paramount--with some of the most impressive chase footage you'll ever see. All the near-misses with the speeding train were amazing and the scene where the car gets smashed by the truck are absolutely priceless.


S.O.S. Perils of the Sea is a 1925 American silent film featuring Elaine Hammerstein, directed by James P. Hogan and released through Columbia Pictures.


Two nutty bellhops raise havoc at a posh hotel.


A farm girl learns she is a princess and is swept away by a tornado to the land of Oz.


CHEER UP - starring Cliff Bowes, with Virginia Vance, Eddie Boland, and Frank Alexander. Cliff vies for Virginia's affections with Eddie, but ultimately she chooses Cliff to be her groom. The newlyweds move in to their new home, but the spurned rival makes a shambles out of the house in retaliation.


Avery DuPoise is a wealthy business man, organising a race. He meets one the competitors of the race, who is in love with DuPoises daughter. Another competitor crashes into the action, who is also in love DuPoises daughter. DuPoise suggests that who ever wins the race will have the opportunity to visit his daughter every Wednesday night. An action packed races commences, with one competitor doing more than usual to win the race.


Young cowboy Cyclone Jones falls for pretty Sylvia Billings, who with her sheep-rancher father has just come to town. However, his pursuit of Sylvia runs into some roadblocks, mainly the hostility of the local cattle ranchers to "sheepmen" like her father, whose sheep they believe ravage the range and leave it unusable for their cattle to graze on and who are determined to drive the new arrivals out of town.

Joe Rock short comedy, also featuring Billie Rhodes and Frank Alexander.


A bumbling sawmill employee tries to win the hand of the owner's daughter while staying out of the clutches of the mill's bullying foreman.


A government official staying in a hotel puts some important secret papers in the hotel safe. A ring of spies out to get the papers manages to steal them from the safe, and a lady government agent enlists the help of the hotel's bumbling bellhop in getting back the papers and breaking up the spy ring.


Larry going investigating an Oriental opium den. And opium is to Larry what spinach is for Popeye!


Larry in school and always gets in trouble until he falls asleep and dreams of when he's all grown up.


Larry Semon goes out west.


Larry's absurdly plush life of ease as a convict comes to an end when his sentence is up. Tossed out, he tries several ways, including a stickup to get back in the comfortable jail. Exchanging clothes with a lookalike escaped prisoner, he goes back, only to find he's to be hung. Now desperate to leave again, he joins other cons in a jailbreak.


The Simple Life is a silent comedy short.

The Roman setting provides ample opportunity for a very high concentration of gag titles, many of which are quite witty and many of which are quaint for deriving their humor from the juxtaposition of having ancient Romans use a lot of hip 1918-era slang. The whole thing is an excuse for a good send-up of how the Roman Empire has been depicted in "serious" plays, movies, &c.

A man decides to stage a fake robbery in front of his girlfriend's father (who doesn't like him), hoping it will make the father change his opinion. Unfortunately, real crooks wind up taking the money from the "robbery", and the boyfriend has to get it back.


Our hero saves a man from drowning, only to find that it is the wrong man.


In this classic comedy, a hotelier continues to find himself in promiscuous situations involving a newlywed bride on her honeymoon much to the chagrin of his wife.


A waiter tricks his way into command of a sub in order to rob a ship carrying gold bullion.


A Keystone comedy with Charles Murray, where the poor man finds a bag with a lot of money resulting in a change of lifestyle. But not without complications...