Frank Donner

Against the backdrop of Reno, talkback radio, casinos, money, religion, crime, and other perversions, Melvin Smarty is a comedic romp about young love and what it takes to achieve happiness - which given the context of the above, is quite a lot.


Documentary filmmaker Amy Berg investigates the life of 30-year pedophile Father Oliver O'Grady and exposes the corruption inside the Catholic Church that allowed him to abuse countless children. Victims' stories and a disturbing interview with O'Grady offer a view into the troubled mind of the spiritual leader who moved from parish to parish gaining trust ... all the while betraying so many.


When his girlfriend is kidnapped, a drug-addicted ex-cop must overcome his demons and face the sobering task of tracking her down before it's too late. His story dismissed by the police, he's left with no choice but to rely on his own detective skills in a high-stakes race against time.
