Frank Grow

The film's plot centers around Manhattan, in 1995. All mental hospitals must cut their patient load by 1/5. LaRue (Will Keenan) is sent out onto the streets with a chronic reading disorder, and sent to the Love Hotel (where most of the inmate are being held). There he falls in love with a mute girl, who's obsessive mother dominates her life. To top this off, LaRue is given a roommate with turrets syndrome, and is chased by a prehistoric worm that inhabits peoples bodies and mutates them. This film is, to say the least, a crazy piece of work. Brilliant cinema, and creative genius at its best. The film's story is original, and dazzling. The FX, though budgeted, are impressive and effective. And the acting and scripting of the film is seamless.


"Monster Fire Baby" by the Blood Pumpers Racing Club was a Hyper-Mega Supercharged monster sex performance - complete with the world's first (as far as I know) live burning-moster baby birth!

Drag racer Richard “Big Red” Friedman becomes addicted to a speed-like adrenal drug after a career ending crash and dives into a world of hallucinations and monstrosities. Featuring special effects from Mark Pauline's Survival Research Laboratories.

Hi Octane was a short-lived 1994 Comedy Central series directed by Sofia Coppola. It consisted of interviews and sketches hosted by Coppola and Zoe Cassavetes.