Franziska Schönenberger

When a lonely young Indian woman receives the longed-for attention from another user with her singing videos in an interactive app, which her husband, who works abroad, cannot give her, there are terrible consequences.

Baskaran left India for Dubai with high hopes but came back in a coffin. His widow Sundari didn't believe he committed suicide, so the relatives recruit cousin and filmmaker Jayakrisahnan Subramanian to uncover, what really happened. On his research, Jayakrishnan discovers that his cousin's fate symbolizes the exploited dreams of thousands others and the consequences they have to face when they wake up.

Documentary - When Franziska announces her engagement to her boyfriend, Jayakrishnan, her parents journey from Bavaria to India to meet Jay's mother and father. But coming to terms with their children's plans forces each couple to question their cultural bias. -


Viru secretly envies her best friend Bhanu for her beautiful hair. And her mother refuses to buy her at least new red ribbons. Then Viru is humiliated in front of the entire class when she discovers a strange bloodstain of her first periods on the uniform. Can Bhanu save her friend?
