Fred Gamble

A servant girl plays matchmaker for the local burgomaster's daughter while setting her own sights on a visiting Irishman.


Molly Wood arrives in a small western town to be the new schoolmarm. The Virginian, foreman on a local ranch, takes a shine to her, and vows that he will make her love him. The Virginian's best friend, Steve, falls in with bad guys led by Trampas. The Virginian catches them cattle rustling. As foreman, he must give the order to hang his friend. Trampas gets away and shoots the Virginian in the back. Molly nurses him to health, and falls in love with him. They plan to marry, but on their wedding day Trampas returns, looking for trouble.


Hope is a silent 1922 drama.

John and Tilly's happy marriage is ruined when Tilly's father finds out about the scandalous past of John's mother. John, unaware of his father-in-law's meddling, thinks Tilly has left him, and he leaves town. Her father leads Tilly to believe that John has died in an accident, and he pushes her to marry someone else.


Billy Milford, Harvard graduate, goes west to seek his fortune. In Addertown he secures a position as stationmaster of the L. & R. Railroad, but is forced out because of his drinking habits. He accidentally meets Gunhild, an emigrant Norwegian girl, as she arrives in Addertown to take up her home with Jan Hagsberg, the town's saloonkeeper. Seeking revenge on the railroad, Milford joins Jim Dorsey in a scheme to hold up the road's paymaster on his way to pay the employees of the company's mine.

The roots of modern television situatuation comedy can be seen in this Beauty brand film. As American grew the Beauty brand was developed to feature actress Margarita Fisher. Her husband, Haryy Pollard, directed the Beauty films and occasionally acted in them. He plays the husband in this one.

The girl has three suitors: a young Mexican, who symbolizes love, a cripple, who symbolizes devotion, and a wealthy haciendiero, who symbolizes wealth. Despite the protests of Love and the pain of Devotion, the girl is given in marriage to Wealth by her father. A year lapses and the girl has suffered by her father's choosing. Wealth is faithless to her and heaps upon her head humiliation and indignity and finally brutality. Love returns to her and after listening to her story swears that he will kill Wealth, but Devotion restrains him with the advice that if he kills Wealth he can never have the girl. To insure the girl's happiness Devotion kills Wealth himself and then takes his own life.

Fatty's Day Off is a 1913 movie starring Roscoe Arbuckle and Charles Avery.
