Frederico Barata

On April 25, 1974, a man walked alone in Largo do Carmo. He knocked on the GNR military barracks door and entered, unarmed and without any escorts. Inside, the Government’s chief, Marcelo Caetano, waited, surrounded by the military and the people. The man who stared at him that afternoon and demanded surrender, guaranteeing his safety, had just led Santarém’s Artillery 1 regiment in taking the capital. Without firing a single shot, he managed to overthrow a regime that was over 48 years old. That was the last step to take and he took it, without hesitation, becoming the unavoidable figure of the day that marked the beginning of democracy in Portugal

With Algarve and South Africa as main stages, Paixão tells the story of a love that was destroyed by a lie. This is the story of a man determined to fight for justice and to recover ten years of his life and an unshakable love that resists time and all threats.


VEGA is a smalltime wiseguy who teams up with the most delinquent smalltime criminals to payback BARBAS the leader of the gang that betrayed him.


To celebrate the end of another college year, three friends decide to have an adventurous night of summer. But things don't go according to plan.
