Frida Richard

Set in the early part of 20th century Europe. There lived a dancer who becomes the romantic bone of contention between a humble shepherd and an imperious marquis.


A young woman from Sweden (Kristina Söderbaum) living in Hamburg in the summer months attracts a newly married explorer, Albrecht Froben (Carl Raddatz) who has just returned to his native city. But although she seems to be 'life itself', she suffers from a tropical disease which is slowly killing her. Froben is torn between Äls and his wife Octavia (Irene von Mayendorff), who is seen as a kind of 'heavenly' counterpart to the earthy Äls.


Already a famous painter, Rembrandt van Rijn is commissioned to paint the Amsterdam Archers' Guild. But upon completion of the picture, the men of the guild feel duped, because they don't consider themselves flatteringly depicted in the painting. They therefore decline to pay for the work. During this dispute, the painter finds out his wife is close to death. He finds himself terribly lonely after her passing and suffers from depression until he decides once more to marry.


Anna Jobst is the daughter of a rich, conservative farmer. Living on the bank of the Moldau, she wishes nothing more than follow the river to Prague, the "Golden City". After arriving, she quickly falls into a bad crowd.


In 1910, the landlord's daughter Agnes from the Steiermark gets to know the diplomat Hans. They have a short love affair and then part from one another. Hans gets sent to Beijing, where he marries and American and has a son with her. Agnes, too, has a son by Hans and moves to Vienna, where she works in a restaurant. She is still in love with Hans ...


Actually, Erika and Werner wanted to take a pleasant boat trip on the Isar. But who would have thought what could happen during such a simple outing?! Werner Merk, who works as an engineer for a large car company in Munich, finds out, that the head of the firm, Director Feldmann, is spending his summer vacation at his house in the mountains. Werner up and decides to make his way their to introduce himself to Feldmann in a relaxed atmosphere.

In Vienna of 1913 a young woman coming from vaudeville theatre circles stands before the wedding with a construction draftsman; this must move to the military and sends his bride on the country, so that she cannot be enticed to the stage. However, she does it and gets by an officer's love affair so in confusion that she commits suicide. - This end environment-close and differentiates of produced melodrama was rejected by press and audience vehemently; the new second film end with the rescue of the desperate was supplied later, so that in this version only a bittersweet common melodrama with excellent actors and good photograph was left. In the rental company copy is the second version of the end jointly contain.


Along with Adventures on the Lido, it was denied a permit to be shown in German cinemas because Oswald was deemed an enemy of National Socialism. - Wikipedia


Composer Franz Schubert--broke, struggling and unhappy--gets a break when a wealthy friend wangles him an invitation to a command performance in front of a princess of the royal family. Schubert performs a version of his new work, "Symphony in B Minor", for the princess, but a misunderstanding results in Schubert storming out of the concert in a rage. Complications ensue.


The story is about Conrad Veidt as military attache in Turkey where he learns to know an English consul (Heinrich George) and his attractive wife who is treated badly. They begin an affair and soon the husband proves to be an obstacle that has to be disposed of.


A love story between a simple peasant girl (Holt) and a dashing young officer (Sym), who however doesn't see more in her than a temporary affair.

After a chance meeting at a train station, Henry and Stascha, unhappy with their circumstances, are determined to leave and be together.


Katharina Knie is a 1929 German silent drama film directed by Karl Grune and starring Eugen Klöpfer, Carmen Boni and Adele Sandrock. It is based on the 1928 play of the same title by Carl Zuckmayer.


aka The Burning Heart

A French adventurer fights to save a woman in the life of prostitution.


God and Satan war over earth; to settle things, they wager on the soul of Faust, a learned and prayerful alchemist.


Professional dancer Diotima finds herself the apex of a love triangle when she is pursued by two mountain climbers, Vigo and his unnamed older friend.


a silent movie by Heinz Paul

Silent adaptation of the famous play by Henrik Ibsen. This film is believed to be lost.

It was not just the children who were treated badly by the wealthy Weimar republic. Robert Kramer is released from prison but struggles to adjust to civilian life. His father disowns him out, his wife has left him for another man. There is no work. He eventually arrives in a shelter for the homeless, and seeks salvation through Emma, a prostitute.


Siegfried, son of King Siegmund of Xanten, travels to Worms, capital of the Burgundian kingdom, to ask King Gunther for the hand of his sister, the beautiful Kriemhild.


The film is set in a bar on New Year's Eve. We see plenty of Germans swilling beer non-stop and the owner of the bar and his wife await the arrival of his mother for a little celebration together.


A young intellectual falls in love with a circus performer and decides to cultivate her into a lady and marry her. Eventually however she decides to return to her tightrope walker lover.


In 19th century Paris a hedonistic woman marries an aristocrat but has trouble keeping faithful to him.


Based on the play of the same name by Frank Wedekind.

The film "Der Kaufmann von Venedig" ( The Jew Of Mestri ) was written, produced and directed by Peter Paul Felner in the silent year of 1923 and is a free adaptation of "Merchant of Venice" written by Herr William Shakespeare. It is an elegant and expensive German film production that was shot on location in beautiful and decadent Venice with some of the most important Teutonic actors of the time: Henny Porten, Harry Liedtke und Werner Krauss and even the mysterious Max Schreck.


Directed by Ludwig Berger.


Lorenz Lubota is a city clerk with no direction in life. One day on his way to work he is run over by a woman driving a chariot and he is immediately infatuated with her.


An old count has been keeping an eye on the granddaughter of his lock-keeper for quite some time. But the young Maria is in love with the young painter Walter, who is only moderately gifted as an artist. The two marry and become parents of a child. However, the count does not want to let go of his desire for Mary and now chooses another way to gain her favor. Author: Ulf Kjell Gür

Film by Carl Boese.

The House on the Moon

Weltbrand is the first part of the two-part silent movie Christian Wahnschaffe.


A 1920 German costume drama from the days of Napoleon Bonaparte directed by Arthur Teuber and starring Carl Auen as Johann Baptiste Lingg.

A cashier in a bank in a small German town is alerted to the power of money by the visit of a rich Italian lady. He embezzles 60, 000 Marks and leaves for the capital city, where he attempts to find satisfaction in politics, sport, love and religion.


A lady-in-waiting is to become the companion of a young lady at the splendid estate Amönenhof.

Andreas Rellnow decides to leave his troubled parents and pursue an artistic career. As a violin virtuoso, he quickly became popular and a first-class heart-breaker.

Gaston finally succeeds as a dramatist and decides to leave his wife and child for another woman. When the child dies, the finger is pointed at him and he winds up as a destitute before all is revealed. This film is considered lost.


Promotional film for War loans and bonds. Mother Froehlich sells her clock and send the money to her son fighting in war. Then they get attacked and someone else finds the lucky coin....


a silent movie by Robert Wiene

An innkeeper in sheer despair murders a passing by musician and steals his money in order to buy medicine for his dying wife. Eventually, he falls into an endless turmoil of guilt and madness.


Klara and her father have been alone since her mother died. Her close friend Hans leaves for the military, and on returning as a fine young man, rushes to see Klara. As their families work to keep them apart, their love grows stronger and stronger.