Fulvio Gicca Palli

A low-rent private investigator and former cop is sent to Austria on a job, and while there sees a number of seemingly unrelated coincidences that lead him into a strange web of corruption and decadence.


Two members of the fascist legion GOD WANTS IT, Michele and Luigi, both from Sicily, met in Malaga and became friends in the course of the 1936-39 counter revolution. Based upon the short story by Leonardo Sciascia.


The latest success by film-maker Giacomo Solaris is a crime thriller about a judge who gets too friendly with the Mafia and is murdered. A resentful Sicilian magistrate orders the film seized, but then he winds up dead, in a fashion just like that in Solaris's movie. Solaris realizes that corrupt political forces are pulling strings, for his friends begin to die in grisly ways. Will he learn the truth about the murder of the judge in time?


After robbing a jewellery shop in Canada, two Americans arrange a meeting near the US borders in order to split the loot. One of them has an accident with his car on his way there and gets stuck in an isolated motel until his car is fixed. The owner of the motel, a sexy woman in her thirties, falls in love with him, but her suspicions about him begin to multiply, as the police arrive at the motel...


In Mussolini's Rome a murderer is targeting young girls.


A police captain arranges the release of a criminally insane prisoner, who soon winds up dead. When the District Attorney takes on the case, he uncovers corruption in the department and vows to take down the man who's responsible.


Stefano Argenti, an ambitious advertising executive, meets a curious hippie named Count Mateo Tiepolo and they form a strange bond. Having gained Stefano's confidence, Tiepolo reveals that he wants to kill his domineering brother. He suggests that Stefano carry out the killing and in exchange he offers to murder Luisa, Stefano's wife who is a barrier to his career and his affair with Fabienne, a model. Argenti is more curious than shocked but decides to reject the bizarre offer. However, a short-time later, his wife is strangled to death by an intruder and he becomes the prime suspect. By withholding evidence that could prove his innocence. Mateo blackmails Stefano into keeping his part of the bargain. But there is a twist ...


The wife of a European photographer on assignment in exotic Bali falls for an enigmatic ex patriot under the spell of a mystical death cult...


A drama directed by Ugo Liberatore.


Hernandez, the sheriff of a small Mexican village, joins a group of townsmen with the intention of killing young orphan Manuel and robbing him of his inheritance. Killer Luke, now an alcoholic for having murdered his own son by mistake, who is chosen for the task, instead decides to take the defence of the poor child.


A former Canadian Mountie escorts a group of women and coffins to Fort Eagle, but finds it destroyed and remains to defend the fort from a gang of marauding Indians and outlaws led by the mysterious Renegade who are after a shipment of gold bullion. source: SWDB www.spaghetti-western.net


Kitosh, a young cowboy working for Don Jaime Morelos, is beaten almost to death under his employers orders for flirting with Don Jaime's frivolous wife. Full of hatred towards Don Jaime, Kitosh leaves the ranch and begins life as an outlaw joining up with renowned bandit Tracy the Black. Tension sets in between the two men because Kitosh kills only when he has to, whereas Tracy kills just for the fun of it, deriving a sadistic pleasure from other people's suffering. Source: SWDB www.spaghetti-western.net


Richard Harrison stars as Alan Foster, a notorious bank robber from NYC hiding out in India. He get the bright idea to steal the "Mountain of Light," a large diamond encased in the forehead of a 20 foot religious Buddha. This is an adequate adventure that is notable for Harrison's extremely harsh words he throws at his Indian helper and the scenes where Harrison dons make up to blend it flawlessly with the Indians.


This action-packed adventure/jungle film starts out when three British soldiers stationed in Malaysia are sent to Fort Madras to help the commandant fight off an elusive bandit who is terrorizing the countryside.


Temple of the White Elephant


The son of a rich Italian industrial finds out how tough is to leave the path the society has for him.


After the capture of the Sultan of Muluder, Sandokan, the sultan's son, leads a guerilla army through treacherous jungles to free his father and defeat Queen Victoria's army of invaders.


Story of the power struggle between Egyptian queen Cleopatra and her brother Ptolemy, and how a common soldier risks his life to serve her.
