Fulvio Pepe

The story of Maria Montessori the most famous pedagogue of the world. She spent all her life to make her "metodo" (method) accepted in the archaic Italian school system, while the rest of the world immediately understand the importance of her theories. She was the first Italian Doctor, a famous feminist, a scientist. Her private life was hit by having an illegitimate son and by the Fascism that didn't want to accept completely her theories.


In 1980 Paolo Borsellino was appointed with the preliminary investigations and the task of setting up a team which would later become the famous anti-mafia pool, investigating into the criminal activities of various mafia bands, in particular the gang headed up by Totò Riina.


Two young film authors, Angelo and Lillo, the former a screenwriter, the latter a director, try in every way to present their works to Mr Piras, a successful producer now converted to television production. The faithful secretary filters all appointments, therefore for Angelo and Lillo it is impossible to make contact with the producer. Nothing is left to do but take up arms.