Gabriel Woolf

Doctor Who Anime is a short piece involving the Third Doctor, drawn and animated entirely in the anime style of the 1980s (ala Bubblegum Crisis, Macross, etc.) by artist Paul "OtaKing" Johnson. As the entire project (background art and hundreds of frames worth of actual animation) was undertaken by a single person, the piece was only twelve and a half minutes long. To this end, Johnson opted to present it in a kind of "next time" episode trailer format, evoking the feel of a teaser for a Doctor Who animation if one had been produced in Japan during the peak of the country's economic boom. The film was released in June 2011 after four years in development, but was taken down shortly after following Johnson's hiring by the BBC and 2entertain to work on restoring the lost 1960s episodes. Despite his pleas, he took down all of his Who work, including Jikuu Bouken...although it was quickly mirrored by other accounts.

In a Victorian Gothic mansion, strange things are afoot. The master of the house, away in Egypt, has been replaced by a sinister Egyptian. Cloth-wrapped Mummies roam the grounds, killing people. Beneath a pyramid, the last of the Osirans — Sutekh the Destroyer — waits to be freed, to at long last bring his gift of death to all who live.

A BAFTA award nominated documentary showing the origins of glass and its many uses throughout the last four thousand years.

In Camelot, kingdom of Arthur and Merlin, Lancelot is well known for his courage and honor. But one day he must quit Camelot and the Queen Guinevere's love, leaving the Round Table without protection.
