Gabriela Aguilera

After a head injury makes a dimwit stranger out Barbara's beloved Guille, she ceases to feel desire for him. Nearing 35, and longing for motherhood, she settles with a new partner, while the memory of lost love harrows her.


A case of mistaken identity becomes a living nightmare when a young actress finds herself relentlessly assailed by debt collectors.


A group of people gather for a family reunion in a house on an isolated island. They are waiting for the last person to join them, but as the evening arrives and he doesn’t arrive, a strange anxiety overwhelms them. The group dismantles and the family members wander away from the house separately, confronting the sea and an unspoken fear that slowly consumes them.


A married professor of music has a normal life until the day he meets an unusual women, 20 years younger than he. He gets involved in a love relation with her. At the beginning everything looks normal, nevertheless after some time with her, he begins questioning his whole life, breaking with the comfortable and conventional existence he used to have.

Leo Quinteros music is the base to this film in which filmmakers, actors and actresses and other creators reunite in different hotel rooms.

Lucía is a young woman who works as a seamstress in a factory and lives with her father in an old house in Santiago, Chile. The film occurs in December 2006 during the weeks that take place from the ex-dictator Pinochet’s funeral to Christmas Eve. Through the simple observation of Lucía’s daily life, the spectator is allowed access into a hidden and neglected world of a generation of Chileans striving to recover from the military dictatorship.


A portrait of famed Chilean singer and folklorist Violeta Parra filled with her musical work, her memories, her loves and her hopes.


A man wants to become a TV-star and he will try anything despite his advanced age and what everyone says about him and his lack of talent and charisma for the job. But while he starts getting closer to his goal, his house starts crowding with unwanted guests.

A single mother decides to go on a trip from Santiago to the north of Chile with her only son. They are going to meet up with the child's father, a Chilean coalminer, after ten years of separation. The trip is plagued by silence, as the uneasy relationship between mother and son evolves and secrets of the past are brought to the surface, in this poignant tale of broken family ties, where what is left unsaid may carry more meaning than anything spoken.


Ten segments linked to a primary idea: an evocation of the early cinema images.

A television survey says over sixty percent of women in Chile are unfaithful. True or not, this movie presents some interesting answers.


A doctor and expert in ethics, Sergio Graf has to fight the Chilean health system as a patient when he gets Guillain-Barré syndrome. It is a journey toward physical deterioration, a loss of safety, and returning to something that he has until now taken for granted: his family.

Rumors spread like wildfire in a small Chilean town as an aborted fetus is found floating on a lake. A single mother and saleswoman’s values and morals are put to test when she discovers the culprit to be one of her young female clients.
