Gabriela Sobarzo

Trini's daughter is sad that her best friend is leaving Saint Michael School since her mother can't keep paying for it. Trini promises her daughter that this won't happen and decides to put together a plan with the other "mamis" of the group to solve the problem. But this mission will be much more difficult than they thought and they will have to stick together as a group.

Santiago comes out of the closet to his 2 long life friends at the age of 50. The reaction is not very positive from one of them, Raul. Who tries by all means, to convince Santiago that he is only going through a moment of sexual confusion, and there's no way he is gay.


The Festival Internacional de Viña del Mar is the most important event in Chile. It’s known as The Monster as its public is ruthless against the artists they don’t like. Fabrizio Copano will be the youngest stand up comedian to ever perform at Viña Del Mar. He will travel across Chile rehearsing his routine, but things won’t go as he expects.

When a woman visits a Chinese doctor, she discovers her pain is due to pent-up rage, and the only cure is to fully express herself, whatever may come.


Marco, a cynical and ambitious young lawyer, lives in Bari with his partner Martina and their eight-year-old son Mateo. Martina had left Chile and moved to Italy when she met Marco. Their relationship has run its course, however, and Martina longs to go back to her country with Mateo, but Marco, the loving father left out of the equation, is adamantly against the idea. The couple clash for weeks on end, until Martina abruptly leaves the country with their son, goes back to Chile and virtually vanishes. With no news of Mateo, time seems to stand still for Marco. Anguished and unable to cope, he finally rallies and sets off in search of his son.


The Kellys are a bourgeois family that have fallen into hard times. Deprived of the bragging rights of their typical summer vacation at a posh Chilean beach resort town, they pretend that they are instead going to Brazil for their vacation. They feign leaving on vacation but instead spend the time locked up at home and avoiding the suspicions of a nosy neighbor.


When a devoted husband and father is left home alone for the weekend, two stranded young women unexpectedly knock on his door for help. What starts out as a kind gesture results in a dangerous seduction and a deadly game of cat and mouse.


The adventures and misadventures of officers Salinas and Freire, who will have to settle for their lives to be respected by their superiors.


A group of student activists travel from New York City to the Amazon to save the rainforest. However, once they arrive in this vast green landscape, they soon discover that they are not alone… and that no good deed goes unpunished.


Mayhem and death follow when an earthquake traps a group of tourists in a Chilean town.


Lucía is a young woman who works as a seamstress in a factory and lives with her father in an old house in Santiago, Chile. The film occurs in December 2006 during the weeks that take place from the ex-dictator Pinochet’s funeral to Christmas Eve. Through the simple observation of Lucía’s daily life, the spectator is allowed access into a hidden and neglected world of a generation of Chileans striving to recover from the military dictatorship.


Javier wants to forget his ex. But it's impossible when she's always on line. Getting drunk and partying it's the only solution. Or not.


Raquel has been the live-in housekeeper for a kind, reasonably wealthy family for half her life, and the joyless repetition of the job has begun to take its toll. Increasingly dependent on painkillers, Raquel resorts to pranks and childish avoidance to antagonize the family’s college-age daughter and a procession of new servants, all in the hopes of protecting her precarious power within the home. Her antics successfully push everyone away, until new maid Lucy actually pushes back.


After being brutally assaulted, an incident which also saw the death of his parents and the rape of his younger brother (which mentally scarred him to the point of having to be institutionalized), Maco Gutierrez has devoted his life to fitness and practicing martial arts to ensure his safety in the future.


Children come to a hospital to visit their dying father they haven't seen for 8 years. They try to recover their relationships before he dies.


In Santiago, Chile, the schoolteacher Luisa proposes a debate about sex with the parents of her students with the intention of giving classes about sex education to the youngsters.


A man’s enthusiasm turns into greed and causes trouble for his family.
