Gabriele Mainetti

Matilde, Cencio, Fulvio and Mario are like siblings when the tragedy of the Second World War hits Rome. In 1943 they work in a circus in the Eternal City. Israel, the circus owner and their putative father, disappears in the attempt to find a getaway overseas for them all. Our four friends are in disarray. Without anybody looking after them and without a circus, the four protagonists have no place in society. They feel only as freaks, lost in a war-torn city.

Enzo Ceccotti comes into contact with a radioactive substance, then accidently discovers he has superpowers. A touchy, navel-gazing introvert, he’s sure his new capabilities will do wonders for his life of crime, but that all changes when he meets Alessia, who’s convinced he’s the hero from the famous Japanese comic strip, Steel Jeeg Robot.


Matteo, a nine years old kid, builds a mask identical to the one of his hero: a wrestler of a roman suburb called The Tiger. Once the mask is on, Matteo never wants to take it off. What simply appears as a tantrum is in reality a call for help that nobody seems to hear.


La nuova squadra is an Italian television series.


Antonio's first day as a thief is marked by tears. During an incursion at the mall, his mother is arrested. Some 20 years later, Antonio along with his two inseparable friends, after some minor robberies, take on a post office. Things don't go as planned.


Two young film authors, Angelo and Lillo, the former a screenwriter, the latter a director, try in every way to present their works to Mr Piras, a successful producer now converted to television production. The faithful secretary filters all appointments, therefore for Angelo and Lillo it is impossible to make contact with the producer. Nothing is left to do but take up arms.

South of France: Riki Kandinski and his elder brother Fredrico, come back to their family castle for their father's funeral. Fredrico knows nothing about his younger brother, but he notices that he is making big money and living in luxury all for a few days work a week. By pure chance, Fredrico gets his hands on a gay porn magazine and sees his brother in it.
