Gary Davis

A man named Callard demands a larger sweat budget for his film. The zombies aren't about to give him what he wants.

The Russian underworld and the spy world clash as Boris, the Russian gangster gives CIA agents Cherie and her partner, Yves, a run for their money. They pursue the villain across the Atlantic from Russia to the United States. As the story unfolds, Boris' once business associate, Emilio also has more than enough reason to pursue him for revenge after a double-cross. Meanwhile, Cherie, the new CIA team member also deals with issues that involve members of her team which can damage the success of the assignment.

2056, has the world been nearly destroyed by war? Who will control the balance of power?

A wonderful Christmas is interrupted by Zombies. Santa must save the day.

A Young warrior is faced with knowing what is most important, the Golden Buddha itself or the teaching it stands for.

During the 1700s in Japan, a young samurai warrior learns about love and the secret of killings vampires.

In 1850 Pedro and Zen stop at an Inn in Mexico run by beautiful women, who may be vampires. But, Pedro and Zen are vampire hunters.