Gary Mavers

Cast into a violent and bloody world of murder, Hereward, a novice monk, must deliver the Holy Gospel of Lindisfarne - a book of great beauty and power - to the safety of the Iona monastery, while being pursued by a Viking death squad hell- bent on its capture. On his way to the monastery, he meets a fierce and skilled swordsman who answers his prayers and dedicates his life to protecting Hereward while he delivers the book. In the midst of their journey, they are confronted by Vikings ready to kill in order to get what they want, leaving Hereward and his protector at their mercy.


Sean takes his two friends into the rural wilds of Wales in search of an underworld specialist who can illegally revive his failing business. Deep in alien, isolated territory, they accidentally cross William Parry, a broken and desperate farmer dangerously hateful and paranoid of all around him. The situation spins rapidly out of control, spiraling into a horrific Heart Of Darkness spree of pointless violence and revenge as Parry hunts the three friends across the stark and unforgiving terrain.


The unseen story of Amy's life and addictions featuring exclusive interviews including her former husband Blake Fielder Civil who first introduced Amy to heroin.

Following a nuclear attack by terrorists on London, a mixed bag of survivors are trapped in a Government bunker cut off from the outside world. As they come to terms with their predicament they find that their security and safety are not as assured as they originally hoped…


Ex Boxer Tom is on the ropes, when a chance encounter at the gym leads to the offer of work as a doorman at a run down nightclub. The volatile head doorman Paul, is a battle hardened veteran from the old school. Recognising Tom for the fighter that he once was, Paul takes him under his wing, and guides him through the ins and outs of life as a club land "peacekeeper."


Maria is a dancer who becomes pregnant, unexpectedly, and has to decide whether or not to keep the baby. When her live-in boyfriend, who is not the father, admits to cheating on her, she kicks him out. Still unable to decide what to do, she imagines a dialogue with the fetus.

A woman attempts to escape her domestic problems by fleeing to New York in search of her father. She finds him, and also new problems, some friendship, a romance, and an unexpected career as pro-boxer, to make ends meet.


GBH was a seven-part British television drama written by Alan Bleasdale shown in the summer of 1991 on Channel 4. The protagonists were Michael Murray, the Militant tendency-supporting Labour leader of a city council in the North of England and Jim Nelson, the headmaster of a school for disturbed children. The series was controversial partly because Murray appeared to be based on Derek Hatton, former Deputy Leader of Liverpool City Council — in an interview in the G.B.H. DVD Bleasdale recounts an accidental meeting with Hatton before the series, who indicates that he has caught wind of Bleasdale's intentions but does not mind as long as the actor playing him is "handsome". In normal parlance, the initials "GBH" refer to the criminal charge of grievous bodily harm - however, the actual intent of the letters is that it is supposed to stand for Great British Holiday.


The 20 January 1931 slaying of Julia Wallace remains unsolved, despite an ongoing stream of investigative writers giving an impression that a solution to the crime has been found through a surfeit of working hypotheses.


Needle paints a harrowing picture of a Liverpool overrun by drugs, charting a young man's nightmarish descent into intravenous heroin use and AIDS and a police and political leadership incapable of the imagination or courage necessary to respond to the drug problem.

A Falklands War soldier missing, believed dead, turns up claiming amnesia.


When a couple travel to a remote vineyard in the south of Italy to spend the summer grape picking they soon discover that there is more to the terroir than meets the eye.