Gaylord Lloyd

After a mix-up with his application photograph, an aspiring actor is invited to a screen test and goes off to Hollywood.


Ambitious shoe salesman, Harold, unknowingly meets the boss' daughter and tells her he is a leather tycoon. The rest of the film he spends hiding his true circumstances, in the store and later on a ship. Trying to deliver a letter, he later finds himself dangling high above the street on a building's scaffolding.


A gentle botany student has to toughen up to replace his father as chief of police.


The penniless tourist, "Appetite Andy" (Paul Parrott) stops by at the Hollywood Cafateria (sic) where the gullible boss (Mark Jones) welcomes him in to sample many of the soups and delicacies available to customers. After savoring many of the dishes, Andy refuses them all and attempts to leave, never intending to pay. The boss is having none of it and drags him back inside and puts him to work in the kitchen. The head chef (Charles Stevenson) is chopping food when the order comes in for chicken to be prepared. He instructs the new employee to grab a chicken (from a crate in the corner) and "prepare" it.

A hypochondriac vacations in the tropics for the fresh air - and finds himself in the middle of a revolution instead.


A top-hatted bill collector is given the unenviable assignment of collecting the debts of a bad-tempered innkeeper.


A guy has troubles on a trolley


'Snub' Pollard and Mildred Davis star in this 1920 comedy short.

Snub Pollard plays a man who tries to steal some food, but fails to do so. Being chased away by police, he accidentally finds himself attending a costume party where a robber is busy stealing jewelry from the guests.

A tipsy doctor encounters his patient sleepwalking on a building ledge, high above the street.


Delivery man 'Snub' Pollard and his assistant Sunshine Sammy nearly run over Marie Mosquini in the street and ends up at dance school.


A comedy short directed by Charley Chase.

Snub and his wife give up their bungalow and allow another couple to move in. Then it develops that they can't find another home, and must live in an improvised tent. (From IMDb)

'Snub' Pollard stars in this 1920's comedy short.

The film begins with a girl who is supposedly irresistible to all men. Several guys all come to her to pledge their undying love--including Harold Lloyd's brother, Gaylord (who is a dentist). Shortly after this, a new dentist (Snub Pollard) arrives to work in an office across the hall. In a very funny scene, Pollard manages to steal all of Gaylord's patients from his waiting room. However, when it comes to dental work, Snub is highly unlikely to receive the American Dental Association's seal of approval. That's because he's incredibly rough and manages to toss a guy out the window when he pulls his tooth.


Two rival bicycle messengers are sent to the same location: a wealthy artist's estate populated with attractive models.


A young adventurer trades places with a European prince and falls in love above his station.


A comedy short featuring Sunshine Sammy Morrison.

A comedy short featuring Mildred Davis.

A comedy short starring Mildred Davis & 'Snub' Pollard

Snub plays a rich guy who wants to impress the ladies with his virility. So he pays a tough boxer to take a dive in a staged fight, though the fight definitely does not go anything like expected.


Boy trying to impress girl, gets chased by her father and the police right into an ongoing marathon.


'Snub' Pollard, Mildred Davis, and Gaylord Lloyd in another comedy short.

A comedy short starring Mildred Davis & 'Snub' Pollard

A short film starring Harold Lloyd.

Luke dreams that he has a double. One 'Luke' gets in all kinds of trouble, while the other pays the consequences.