Gea Martire

Pietramezzana, a remote village in the Lucan Dolomites, is likely to disappear. Its inhabitants, led by the volcanic Dominic do not give up and, believing that the opening of a factory may be the solution to all their troubles, they want to make sure that the project is successful ...


An aspiring actor discovers that his spacious new apartment comes complete with eight friendly ghosts.


Tommaso is the youngest son of the Cantones, a large, traditional southern Italian family operating a pasta-making business since the 1960s. On a trip home from Rome, where he studies literature and lives with his boyfriend, Tommaso decides to tell his parents the truth about himself. But when he is finally ready to come out in front of the entire family, his older brother Antonio ruins his plans.


1957. ANNA MAGNANI is in America, invited to the ceremony of awarding the Oscars, and BETTE DAVIS does not miss the opportunity to meet her and invite her to her home for tea. With the help of an interpreter the two actresses exchange compliments and Davis, who is in possession of some films they have interpreted, proposes to Magnani to look at them together. The evening, however, will take an unexpected turn ... ANNA MAGNANI and BETTE DAVIS, they really met and exchanged confidant letters for years. Their meeting is the starting point for LA GRANDE MENZOGNA, to then become a bittersweet comedy about the life of the anomalous and “difficult” artists, shot partly in color and partly in black and white, in a perfect quote from the photography of the years films '50.

Lorenzo, owner of a firm that makes atmospheric effects for film and television, is a happy bachelor. His beliefs begin to falter after the arrival of Amaranta, a beautiful and rich Colombian girl that, as a surprise to her boyfriend, has commissioned a fake snow in his luxurious villa overlooking the sea ...


Seguito de Febbre da cavallo!


New year's eve at "The Islands" condos. An aging countess's party is crashed by the soccer team from her gigolo's town. While dressing for a dinner party, the wealthy Guilia discovers her husband's affair with her best friend and vows revenge. Next door, a family prepares their vintage Dodge for a drive through the streets. A call girl ties up a lawyer while, unbeknownst to him, three men await the right moment to break into his office. Across the hall, a woman downs pills in a lonely suicide attempt. Two young men hide out in a bedroom smoking dope; one of them has some dynamite. As midnight approaches, each group draws closer to grotesque tragedy.


Year 1955 in Capri


While visiting Universal Studios in Hollywood along with their respective families, two Italian tourists get on a real time machine and got lost in time. Professor Mortimer effort to rescue them result in trips through various ages of ancient Italy.


Il maresciallo Rocca is an Italian television series.


Looking for Paradise chronicles the many lively phases in the life of Claudia Bertelli, who lived between 1949 and 2011. Born to former radicals turned conservative middle-class Milanese, Claudia realizes that her parents can never consciously decide whether they find her behavior shocking or tolerable. During the 1960s, Claudia gets involved with protesting and falls in love for the first time with an idealistic, angry reactionary who subsequently disappears "underground" for many years. By the time he finally emerges he has become a corrupt devotee of the Socialist Party leader Bettino Craxi. By the 1970s, Claudia's protests have taken a feminist bent. She shocks her parents when she gives birth to a black baby from an unknown father and then later marries a Jewish philosopher. It doesn't last, but Claudia continues to be socially conscious for the rest of her life.


In a grammar school in the outskirts of Rome, it's the last day of school before the summer holidays. Professor Vivaldi, Italian literature teacher, before the end bitterly remembers what happened in that year and he wonders what will happen to those young students that he cared for as children from their first day of school. But they've paid him off in a somewhat offensive way, given that, as the professor has noted, today's youth are in most cases changed, drifters and without a sense of civic duty.


Two neighbors, young Vincenzo and old Mr. Bartoloni, are utterly unhappy. On the one hand Vincenzo must lead a miserable and frustrating life as he cannot find any regular job, despite his Arts degree. On the other hand, Mr. Bartoloni is fed up with his despotic wife: the woman who used to be a beautiful artist is now a fat and shabby drunkard. The two men meet on a particularly sad night and, during an outburst Mr. Bartoloni asks Vincenzo to help him to get rid of his wife by simulating an accident with the promise of a considerable amount of money. At night Vincenzo can't sleep: Mr. Bartoloni wasn't joking and he is in a desperate need for money...


A woman is longing to make love to her husband once again, but he is always working or tired. At her wit's end she consults a medium, who has a couple of solutions for her problem. The first two solutions fail, but maybe the sweets will help?


Teresa is a nurse and does not have an easy life: her husband plays poker and next to her she sleeps only and the father organizes the illegal lot among the sick. So one night Teresa is involved, in spite of herself, in a whirlwind of ambiguous situations, together with Ferdinando and Friariello, met by chance, between camorristi, dog races and a bingo of which he unknowingly becomes the prize. But "has to pass" to "nuttata", this is certain, but how?


King's Dagobert I intestinal and sexual problems loom large as he survives an attack on his royal caravan then barely makes it to Rome to personally give thanks to the Pope. After he arrives at the Vatican, he becomes involved in the battle between two contenders for the papacy and has to face the machinations of a ruthless Byzantine princess.
