Geena Lisa

In this Flemish “game show,” a local celebrity issues a series of five themed challenges to a particular town or city, usually tasks which required a great deal of manpower and creativity. The inhabitants of the competing town or city have roughly six days to complete these task, ending in an event on Saturday afternoon where their efforts were judged, and symbolic "gold stars" were awarded for each task successfully completed.


De film gaat over een Vlaamse boer, Kamiel Spiessens, die er alles aan doet om zijn grond te verdedigen tegen een Nederlandse zakenman. Die man wil op de grond een pretpark neerzetten.


Philip, a naive young man, has been signed up by his mother for 'Mister Right'. In the 499th episode of this popular television-show, Philip is chosen by the sexy Tamara to be her date. Together they spend a week on the isle of Tenerife. They fall in love and have a wonderful time together. With a little video camera they film the highlights of their trip for the television audience at home. At the end of their stay, they'd very much like to continue their relationship at home in Belgium. But at the airport they agree to look after a briefcase of a Belgian businessman. However the man doesn't show up and they take the briefcase with them.
