Gees Linnebank

Rianne and Freek have three adopted children. They have a stable and happy family until the eldest son, Gilles (17), doubts his parents' love and sets off in search of his roots in Belgium. The family atmosphere is disrupted. Freek manages to calm the conflicts by talking, but swallows a lot of feelings. This affects his health. Rianne doesn't know whether she can keep the family together on her own.


The poet Valentijn Boecke meets his former teacher Mieke. They have a short relation. After a while Mieke appears to be pregnant. Valentijn is through with Mieke and leaves her...


Easter 1965. We see Fien de la Mar as an embittered old woman who makes long phone calls at night with people who would rather not speak to her. Through flashbacks we see her arriving as a young girl on the stage with her father Nap de la Mar. We see her in different stages: when she is already a huge star, when she's on the movie set, when she is a diva with her own theater. And we we see her in her downfall after attempting suicide after her husband's death.

In order to get more customers to their rural inn, Karel and Truus have come up with a stunt. Karel will beat the record for being buried alive. After 124 days the media finally show up.


The film features a dystopian near-future world which has been split into three. The Third World are the owners of all of the world's resources and are now able to hold the United States and Europe to ransom.