Gene Gauntier

Set in the late 1790s, a depiction of Irish villagers rebelling against British occupation (Red Coats) over the right to bear arms.


Foster sister of the Duchess d'Aubeterre, Madeline, marries Jean Renaud, a French soldier, and has a daughter named Adrienne. Five years later, on a battlefield, Renaud is entrusted by the Count de Moray with jewels and papers proving that Adrienne is his heir. After Moray's death, Renaud gives everything to Madeline and then returns to the battle.

Ayub Kashif becomes embittered toward his wife, Fatima, because their union has been childless. He eventually determines to divorce Fatima and free her slave, whom he then will wed. Fatima, who still loves her husband, lives a life of sorrow, praying that her husband's love will return to her.

The Kerry Gow is a 1912 short

The story of the Emerald Isle years ago. Showing the struggle against poverty, evictions by hard-hearted landlords, hill fighting and the final triumph of the downtrodden.


Summer 1911, Sidney Olcott cross again the Atlantic to shoot films in Ireland for Kalem company. With a stage company, he settled in Beaufort near Killarney. Among the films: You Remember Ellen, an adaptation of a famous poem written by Thomas Moore.


Alice Durand, after weeks of discouragement, reads the following advertisement in the New York Herald: "Governess wanted. Young American woman, well educated and speaking French and German, may obtain lucrative position with prominent Egyptian. Fare and expenses will be advanced. Write, enclosing photograph, to Mahmoud Pasha, Sphinx Club, Cairo, Egypt." Answering the advertisement, Alice seven weeks later, secures the position and leaves her New York boarding-house for Egypt.

Robert Ffolliott is a young Irish lad who is done out of his land and sent off to a penal colony in Australia following false accusations by the greedy Kinchella. Conn the Shaughraun comes to his rescue, helps him to escape from the prison ship and return to Ireland where he is united with his sweetheart.

One of the first American movies to depict the life of Christ.


An Irish mother uses her life savings to pay for her son, a talented musician, to study in America.


Dust of the Desert is a 1912 short film

A gamekeeper's daughter is shot while warning a poacher.

A young Irish boy has fallen in love with a poor girl and wants to marry her, but his mother will stop at nothing, including murder, to see that he marries his rich cousin.


Based on the story of the real-life 17th Century Irish rebel and the eighteen century ballad about him, this one-reeler is one of the Kalem pictures shot by Olcott and his company on their second trip to the Emerald Isle.


acques and Antoine are both in love with the same girl, but Jacques proves the winner and marries Marcele. Three years after the wedding an accident deprives Jacques of his memory. Not knowing where or who he is, he wanders far from home and takes up a new life, all memory of the old having forsaken him. Years later, Marcele, convinced that Jacques is dead, marries Antoine. After ten years of happiness with Antoine, Marcele dies, leaving a little daughter. About this time, through an accident, Jacques' memory is restored and he arrives back at his old home just as his daughter is about to marry. Not realizing the lapse of years he attempts to stop the wedding, believing that his daughter is his wife Marcele. Explanations take place and Jacques is taken to the grave of his sweetheart and wife Marcele.

During the Civil War, a woman helps her injured husband by delivering an important message to his general.

A Federal spy operating within the Confederate lines, meets Hallie Coburn, a fair Southern girl, with whom he falls in love. The Spy enters into the social life. At a garden party he again meets Hallie and they become better acquainted. Gradually their acquaintance ripens into love. Hallie innocently takes the spy into the Confederate camp where he obtains needed information. Suspicion however has become directed towards him and on his attempt to invade the camp alone at night is discovered by one of the pickets and captured. He, however, makes a logical explanation of his presence in the camp and is allowed to depart. As he is leaving the spy unconsciously gives a military salute and the commander looks after him with a worried look on his face and a feeling that he is not what he claims to be. Hallie is summoned to military headquarters and told that her lover is suspected of being a spy.


The opening scene of our story shows a Union powder wagon making its way down the road convoyed by a company of mounted Union soldiers. The route of this wagon is reported to Confederate headquarters by one of its spies. Nan, a girl frequently employed by the department of the Confederate army, is called to headquarters and instructed to secure the destruction of the enemy's ammunition train just reported. Nan is fitted out with a Union uniform, mounted on a fast horse and sent on her journey, previously provided with a forged order supposedly signed by a Union general which authorizes her to pass through the lines.


Anastasia is being picked up by an artist who wants to paint her picture.The artist have other intentions as well. He tried to seduce Anastasia. When he is tired of her, Anastasia returns home to her mother.

A young man leaves Ireland for America, but doesn't forget home.


A young couple’s love is forbidden by the girl’s father. He forces her to write a farewell letter. Three years later, the Civil War begins and the father dies. At the end of the war, her boyfriend comes to visit her and all the suffering is forgotten.


Illustrates a man's struggle to overcome an inherited love for drink. Although yet a young man, the enemy of his family had already sunk its claws firmly upon James Grant. A man of superior intelligence, his habits hold him down to the lot of a common laborer in a small saw mill on the St. Johns River. About two years before the opening of the picture he had met and fallen in love with Jenny, the daughter of a small farmer, living near the saw mill. Under the influence of her great love he has succeeded in throwing off the burden of his hereditary desires. For three months he has not touched a drop of liquor.

The American Civil War is the setting for this film which portrays the efforts of a girl, with the aid of her boyfriend, to deliver a message to the Confederate army while the Yankees try prevent them. After disguising themselves as Yankee soldiers, Nan and her young man are recognized, chased, and the young man killed. Nan manages to deliver the message but only after being shot herself, collapsing after the commander is in possession of the important news.

A spoiled rich boy meets and falls in love with an older woman, a dancer who is more amused than flattered by his attentions.

Mack Sennett appears as a man in a bar in this film produced by the Biograph Company.


Mrs. Wharton, a dashing widow, gives a party at her beautiful villa in honor of the presentation to her of a handsome diamond necklace by her fiancé. During the evening bridge participated in by a number of the guests, among whom is Myrtle Vane. Miss Vane is playing in wretched luck, and is advised several times by Mrs. Wharton to desist, but she still plays on in the vain hopes of the tide of fortune turning, until at last, in the extreme of desperation, she stakes her all and loses. Shame and disgrace stare her in the face. What can she do to recoup her depleted fortune? As one of the guests there is Professor Francois Paracelsus, the eminent palmister, who of course, was called upon to read the palms of those present. Sheets of paper were prepared and each imprinted their hand on a sheet to be read by the erudite soothsayer at his leisure, and so were left on the drawing room table.


A poorly compensated bank clerk is, we may say, to that trying position of "Tantalus" in sight of tons of money but not a dollar of his own. This became more torturing as time went on, until at last, when the bank was arranging to ship a large quantity of cash to the West to relieve the recent money stringency, he made up his mind to heed the solicitude of that specter which had haunted him. Listening to the instructions given to the bank's messenger as to the shipment of the funds, he hustles off to a gang of crooks in whose company he had fallen.

William Thompson and John Smith occupied offices in the same New York skyscraper, and both being seized with an irrepressible desire to cut loose and paint things crimson, arranged it as follows in this Biograph picture. Thompson sent a message to his wife that his friend Smith was ill, and it was his duty to perform that spiritual work of mercy, "comfort the afflicted," hence he would not have her wait up for him as he might be late. Smith did likewise, using Thompson as the object of his humane consideration. This done, they start off to make a night of it. First they visit the gilded throne room of a temple of Bacchus, where they moisten their parched spirits with dry Martinis. They are soon in a most glorious condition. Smith suggests the show where "Amateur Night" is on. - Written by Moving Picture World synopsis

Hulda is a maiden fair to look upon. Her artless rustic simplicity, rivaling Hebe's gorgeous radiance, phlogisticates the susceptible hearts of the village swains. But alas, Hulda was a fickle maid, and seemed to have as many phases as the moon, with a smile for all and a frown for none. Her capriciousness was the cause of much unrest, both for herself and her lovers, for when her parents had departed for a visit, leaving her in charge of the kitchen, she received most effusively Jocular Jake, the village cut-up, only to hide him above stairs at the entrance of Previous-Hearted Pat, the hostler, who in turn is hidden in the Dutch oven at the approach of Handy Hank, the chore boy.

Based on Shakespeare's play: Petruchio courts the bad-tempered Katharina, and tries to change her aggressive behavior.


Mack Sennett appears as a Native American in this film produced by the Biograph Company.


About an Acadian girl named Evangeline and her search for her lost love Gabriel, set during the time of the Expulsion of the Acadians, the forced removal by the British of the Acadian people from the present day Canadian Maritime provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island - parts of an area also known as Acadia.

The first adaptation of Lew Wallace's novel, Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ.


A new skyscraper is being built in New York City, and numerous workmen are busy at hazardous jobs high above the ground. When one of the workers, Dago Pete, deliberately starts a fight, he is immediately fired. But the discharged worker soon comes up with a plan to commit a robbery and get even. His scheme could affect the lives of several others.
