Geneviève Boivin-Roussy

Fabulous is a light comedy about three young women. It is an entertaining look at the paradoxes that young women face in a world where value depends on how many “likes” you receive online.


Alex is a happy and fulfilling young man: he is a sportsman, he has a career, a fiancee, friends ... He comes from a family of three whose mother died recently. Has always been the pillar of the family, the "perfect" child. But after a short coma, he becomes sexually attracted by men ... This change of sexual orientation creates a shock wave with his clan.


An architect and his wife see their relationship challenged.


When Sarah has a chance to go to a first class university and to join its premiere athletic club, her suburban mother is fearful of the change and refuses to help financially. But Sarah's roommate knows that they will get a grant if they marry. Sarah agrees but only to discover that her true heart lies elsewhere. Sarah prefers to run.


In the summer of 1969, Bernard, a Gaspesian fisherman's son, arrive in Perce to fin work. He meets Paul, Jacques and Francis, Quebec Independence activists who have come to open the 'Fisherman's House'. They aim to organize public conferences and offer lodgings to young travelers. A motley crowd of Quebecers from all over the province soon flocks to Perce: artists, hippies, rockers, hitchhikers and the like shake local authorities. Bernard is won over by the trio's ideas and gets increasingly involved in their project. The following year, the will join the Front de liberation du Quebec (FLQ) and play a pivotal role in the Summer Crisis 1969.


Clara is a lone, much to the chagrin of her family, who wish she could find happiness with a partner. After her aunt dies, she inherits a pet...


Guillaume is a good young man. He has never taken hard drugs in his life, doesn't plan on trying, and has an honest job. Everything goes chaotic when he witnesses his father's attempted suicide over a heavy gambling debt. In order to pay out his father's debt in a record time, Guillaume follows his best friend, Manu, into the difficult world of drug dealing.
