Geneviève Mersch

Luxembourg's submission for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film in 2003


It is no fun when your birthday falls on Valentine's day, especially if you are single and your girlfriends are all married. So when Cathy comes across the magic formula for finding her Prince Charming, she doesn't waste a minute.


A 30 minute documentary about Roger Dahm, who was voted the second most popular Luxembourger of 2010.

(no summary right now)


A documentary about Luxembourg's Grand Duchess Charlotte Bridge —AKA the red bridge, notorious for its suicides— in which a couple of families who lived underneath the bridge were followed and interviewed throughout a period of time, telling about their macabre experiences.


An in-depth look at Europe's biggest service station through the lens of its various customers - underpaid truckers, excited tourists, stressed-out business men, and many more.