Georg A. Profé

Marlene Roedern is a student at the Salzburg Mozarteum, as is her boyfriend, Hans Hellmer, a promising conductor. Strothoff, a government cultural representative, engages Hans to conduct at Hamburg. While in Salzburg, Strothoff meets Marlene, who works as a tourist guide in order to pay her tuition fees. He hires her for an all-night tour of the city. She becomes infatuated with him and he with her. Hans is not happy about this.


This Nazi propaganda film details the exploits of a group of German Luftwaffe pilots flying Stukas--fighter-bombers--in the Battle of France in the early days of World War II.


1940 German film.


The stories' setup: a bunch of passive weaklings being dominated by two strong and ambitious women who fight for the same man.


German all-star musical from 1938 that was a big commercial success.


1936: Fahnrich Peter serves on a torpedo boat. Peter loves Carmita, the pretty sister of a fellow seaman. But then his superior officer falls in love with her, too, who offers to marry Carmita and who accepts. Disappointed, Peter's relationship to his superior turns sour, but eventually improves after recognition of his heroic behaviour handling a fire on board his ship. Later on, his unit is sent off to fight in Spain against the Reds. In those same waters, Carmita and her father are taken prisoner by the Communists when they commandeer their cruise ship. Peter's commander receives the order not to take action against the Spanish communist pirates, but Peter and his buddies take it upon themselves to take the situation in hand. However, Peter and his buddies find themselves prisoners of the Commies, too and now his superior must decide what to do about it.


A woman is put on trial for murdering a dancer who ruined her marriage.


The jealous star conductor Montemayor knows that his beautiful younger wife, Winifred, is cheating on him with an American named Jack Mortimer. After the concert rehearsal, he takes a taxi to the train station, sees Mortimer and shoots him at an intersection from the backseat of his taxi. The shot is not heard during the traffic noise. The taxi driver, Sponer, sitting in his car with the now-dead Mortimer, goes into a panic.
