George B. Seitz

Andy is going to Wainwright College as did his father. He sees a pretty blonde on the train and he is alternately winked at or slapped every time he sees her. Andy is clueless. On the train Andy meets Kay and Dr. Standish who are both headed for Wainwright. Andy likes Kay, but Dr. Standish also seems to take an interest in her. Things are going well at College with Kay, but the blonde is nice one minute and ignores Andy the next. When Andy finds out that the blonde is really identical twins, he tries to help them out with their father but gets caught at their rooming house after midnight.


Documentary short film depicting the work of the United Service Organizations (USO) in providing recreational and morale-boosting services for American troops.


While Judge Hardy handles a couple's divorce, Andy takes a shine to their shy daughter.


A French-Canadian trapper's adventures jeopardize his romance with an innkeeper.


Andy is about to head off to college but he's got a few things to take care of before leaving. For starters, he must try and sell his junk car for $20 to pay for a bill and he must convince his father not to go with him to college. Worst of all is that Polly wants to make up but her best friend decides to give Andy a test.


A celebrated New York cabbie is pressed into service for a perilous journey through World War II China.


With his high school graduation behind him, Andy Hardy decides that as an adult, it's time to start living his life. Judge Hardy had hoped that his son would go to college and study law, but Andy isn't sure that's what he wants to do so he heads off to New York City to find a job. Too proud to accept any help from Betsy Booth, Andy finds that living on his own isn't so easy. With perseverance he eventually finds a job and even gets to date the pretty receptionist in his office. He also has to face several of life's lessons leading him to conclude that he may still have a bit of growing up to do.


All set to graduate from high school , Andy Hardy flunks his English exam -- in spite of the fact that Aunt Milly is his teacher, and that the Judge has gone to all the trouble of getting him his very own private secretary.


This final Carter film is a lot of fun, with Nick (unwillingly, at first) taking on a ring of Fifth Columnists (since this was filmed before the US entered the war, we're not told the villains are Nazis, but it's pretty clear anyway). Of course, the helpful and persistent Bartholomew is at his side--much to Nick's irritation. To further complicate things--and to make them still funnier--Joyce Compton is along for the ride too, as a delightfully brainless "detective" named Christine Cross.


Judge Hardy takes his family to New York City, where Andy quickly falls in love with a socialite. He finds the high society life too expensive, and eventually decides that he liked it better back home.


Frontiersman Kit Carson fights off Indian attacks on the trail to California.


When a teenager's father is accused of murder, the boy and his high-school classmates set out to find the real killer.


Andy wants to buy a new car so he goes into the judge's home office where his father is about to write a $200 check to charity. He asks his dad for the $200 and they go used car shopping.


Judge Hardy guides Andy through problems with girls, money and an essay contest.


A tugboat captain (Wallace Beery) serves under his rival (Chester Morris) as a U-boat chaser in World War I.


A highly successful assistant district attorney who is framed for taking bribes and finds himself serving time with the same men he earlier prosecuted and convicted.


Sixth of the Judge Hardy series. Judge James K. Hardy is brought the fabulous news from attorney George Irving, that he could be the heir to 2 million dollars. In order to claim the inheritance, he and his family must leave for Detroit. The disinherited heir Philip 'Phil' Westcott, adopted son of the deceased relative, has to leave the fabulous mansion Detroit. But the playboy Phil ain't going down without a fight. He decides on a charm offensive. First with Polly Benedict and foremost Andrew 'Andy' Hardy, the son of Judge Hardy.


Judge Hardy goes to his friend's Arizona ranch to help her in a legal dispute, and he takes his family with him.


This second entry in MGM's "Romance of Film" series documents how celluloid movie film is processed and features behind-the-scenes glimpses of current MGM productions.


Judge Hardy takes a business trip to Washington, DC, where Andy promptly falls for the French ambassador's daughter.


Andy Hardy becomes entangled with three different girls all at the same time.


A fairly accurate historical account of Walter Reed's search for the cause of "Yellow Jack" or Yellow Fever and those who risked their lives in the pursuit.


A detective (Edmund Lowe) trails a professor (Henry Daniell) who stole credit for his wife's research, then killed her.


A young woman inherits a newspaper whose editor refuses to hire lady reporters.


Allen Meighan, an intern, assures himself residency at 'General Hospital', when he saves the life of a man trapped in an explosion. Allen is in love with student nurse, Claire Donahue, and she with him, but, she is married to Tom a physically abusive husband.


Andy Hardy and his sister find romance during a family vacation in Catalina.


A Fort Wayne, Indiana housewife (Alice Brady) drags her husband (Guy Kibbee) and daughter (Betty Furness) to Europe for culture.


A phony psychic tries to solve a murder that took place during her seance.


Judge Hardy faces problems at work and at home. Powerful men in town are upset with his decisions and want to see him impeached; his daughters, Joan and Marion, have romantic problems; and his son, Andy discovers Polly Benedict. As usual, Judge Hardy is concerned with everyone in the family and lends wisdom and calmness to all.


A reporter and his newspaper's attorney try to gather evidence that will put a notorious gangster behind bars.


White hunter Captain Fry tries to take Tarzan back to civilization, caged for public display. He arrives in the jungle with Jane's cousins, Eric and Rita who want Jane's help in claiming a fortune left her.


The story is set in the British province of New York during the French and Indian War, and concerns—in part—a Huron massacre (with passive French acquiescence) of between 500 to 1,500 Anglo-American troops, who had honorably surrendered at Fort William Henry, plus some women and servants; the kidnapping of two sisters, daughters of the British commander; and their rescue by the last Mohicans.


Escaped convicts Jack and Judy stumble upon an airstrip on the Western ranch of arrogant business tycoon Gerald Axton. Taking Axton and his secretary hostage, the convicts inadvertently cause the crash-landing of a small plane ferrying Axton's political adversary, Gov. Sam Pruden, and a nosy reporter. As the long night unfolds, each person's rivalries and weaknesses are prodded by the others.


The overlong but absorbing MGM "B" melodrama Mad Holiday stars Edmund Lowe as vacationing movie idol Philip Trent. Tired of starring in murder mysteries, Trent discovers he can't escape typecasting even on an ocean voyage: one of the passengers is murdered in our hero's cabin. The killing is tied in with a stolen diamond and a seemingly unending supply of suspects. To avoid being arrested himself, Trent teams up with pretty detective novelist "Peter" Dean (Elissa Landi) to solve the mystery. As Trent's wisecracking press agent Mert Morgan, Ted Healey has a wonderful moment when he stumbles over a corpse and asks nonchalantly, "What's the matter with him, he crocked?"


A man kills his cousin in the desert, then assumes his identity and tries to collect insurance on himself.


Ann Grey is wrongly convicted of murder. On her way to prison a car accident gives her the opportunity to escape. She is helped by young lawyer Tony Baxter. He hides her from the police, as well as his fiancée, with the help of his butler Peedles. Ann is also wanted by the mobsters who really committed the murder as they think she knows where $250,000 worth of bonds are hidden. When the mobsters find and abduct her, Tony enlists the help of the D.A. and the police to try to get her back.


When a Hollywood producer is murdered, the most likely suspect is a man who is smitten with the victim's fiancee.


Mary, a woman with good intentions, takes pity on Henry, an artist with no home. What begins as a simple offer to come inside from the cold for tea gradually turns into more. Before the unsuspecting woman knows it, Henry has convinced Mary to pay for doctor visits. It spirals out of control when Henry, his family and friends con their way into her home. Eventually, Mary creates a ruse to rid herself of the parasites, but they have a different plan.


An embezzler who expects to serve his time in prison and then pick up his buried loot is in for a surprise.


A recently-fired advertising executive starts his own company, Confidential Services, to help clients solve their unusual and problematic situations.


Two surgeons (Chester Morris, Robert Taylor) in love with a nurse (Virginia Bruce) end their rivalry in the operating room.


A traitor is lurking somewhere aboard the USS Carolina, and Lt. Tom Randolph is determined to find the offender. First a revolutionary new piece of technology -- an electric firing device -- is sabotaged. Then one of the cruiser's crew is murdered. In order to catch the killer, the captain locks down the ship. With foreign dignitaries, corporate goons and even Tom's girlfriend, Betty, trapped on the vessel, there is no shortage of suspects.


How police interrogation cracks the "airtight" alibi of a criminal.


A young Iowa woman inherits her late estranged father's New York business, but the dead man's crooked associates think they can outwit the naive heir and seize control.


Ex-convicts try to stop a Chinese smuggling ring.


The Buck Jones western The Fighting Ranger utilizes its familiar plotline with excellent results. When Jones' kid brother is killed by the villains, our hero quits the Texas Rangers and sets off to seek vengeance on his own. He ends up just below the Mexican border, where bandit leader Cougar (Bradley Page) lives high off the hog, knowing he can't be extradited.


A blowhard cowboy talks himself into a job as a movie stunt man.


It's just after the Civil War in Kansas and Joan Randall and her troops are continuing the struggle. Jeff Conners is sent to bring her in and when he does she is found guilt and sentenced to hang. Earlier Jeff learned that her assistant Colonel Jedcott is the real culprit and rides to the Governor for a pardon only to be waylaid by Jedcott on the return trip.


Robert Armstrong stars as Scoop Adams, an ace newsreel cameraman whose love affair with the bottle all but destroys him professionally. Scoop manages to get his photographer pal Dick (Richard Cromwell) fired as well, but he promises to restore Dick's reputation, some way or another. He gets his chance while covering a dirigible wreck (some three years before the Hindenburg), saving the day for both Dick and himself.


An immensely successful criminal lawyer is blindsided when he learns that his new case involves his ex-wife, who left him.


A woman married to a defense lawyer leaves him when he refuses to stop defending criminals she believes are guilty.


Barbary Coast, San Francisco. The gangster moll Belle gets deeply entangled with gangsters led by her boyfriend Vance. The professional writer John Banning understands why Belle got involved with these criminals. Banning tries to help her get out of that seedy life. However, It is not easy. A lot of action and violence ensues before Belle eventually succeeds.


Con artists use a member of a European royal family to swindle a major jewelry company.


A mad doctor is determined to take revenge on the family he believes is responsible for his daughter's death.


A West Point graduate (John Wayne) jilts his girlfriend (Laura La Plante) but runs into her later at an Army outpost.


A young couple finds themselves mixed up with mobsters planning to rob a warehouse.


Head railroad man Dan is as ugly as he is honorable. When he spots a drifter who'd hopped a freight held up by a landslide, Dan offers the man a job; then he finds the man was a railroader, too, and takes him under his wing. Engaged to Mary, Dan doesn't notice the growing attraction between his protégé and his intended, but focuses instead on running the railroad.


A fog-shrouded house provides the setting for this early talkies thriller.


On a South Seas island, "three white derelicts drink away memories of the past. After many adventures during which a girl enters the picture, the three are rehabilitated and everything turns out happily."

Jeffrey (Matt More), a jewelry store clerk prevents a robbery and, as a reward, given a vacation in Honolulu, provided that he transports a valuable emerald to the Hawaiian Islands. On the boat he meets a blonde named Mary (Dorothy Revier) whom he mistakes for a jewel thief called Blonde Mary (Hazel Howell).


During the American Civil War, A Union-Army officer is ordered by U. S. President Abraham Lincoln to bring in Belle Starr, the leader of a Missouri guerrilla band, dead or alive. However, he falls in love with her, does not bring her in, and is facing a court-martial.


In 'The Circus Kid', Darro gives an excellent performance as Buddy, an orphan who runs away from a a harsh orphanage to join Cadwallader's Circus.


Mistakenly believing his wife, Molly Dane (Maude George), has been unfaithful to him, ship captain Manin Dane (Hobart Bosworth) takes his young son Joe (Charles Delaney when grown) and leaver her. Twenty years later Molly stows away on his ship and he learns the truth and all is forgiven.

Blockade was one of those curious 1929 hybrids known as a "part-talkie." The story of a dauntless female prohibition agent. In her pursuit of a gang of Florida rum-runners, Bess assumes three identities. At various junctures, she is "herself," a society belle and a gangster's moll.


A disgraced sea captain signs on as a crewman on a cargo ship. He discovers that the vessel is captained by the very man who stole his ship, a sadistic brute who also took the former captain's wife and daughter. The ship's crew is composed mostly of sailors who were shanghai'ed aboard and are kept in line by the brutal captain and his even more fearsome first mate. The captain and one of his fellow crewmen--who has fallen in love with the man's daughter, who now belongs to the brutal captain--try to unite the crew to end the brutal reign of the captain and his henchman.


This story of the British Silent Service operating on the coast of China finds Tom Fellows, captain of an opium-smuggling ship, going into a notorious Chinese joint called "The House of a Thousand Delights," where he finds a beautiful girl, Mary Blake, bound and captive. He starts a brawl, rescues Mary in the mêlée that follows, and then loses her when she flees to a hotel. He follows her and finds she is mixed up in some mysterious activity. However, he knows more about her than she does him (because he isn't what he is supposed to be - and she isn't, either), he stays close by, even to the point of using a machine-gun to dispel a mob at a Chinese temple.

Desert Gold is a 1926 silent American Western film directed by George B. Seitz. According to the film survives while Arne Andersen Lost Film Files has it as a lost film. Portions of the film were shot near Palm Springs, California.

Jack De Quincy, an American graduate of Oxford, is still considered a wastrel playboy by his father, owner of a giant lumber company in the American northwest. To prove he is a man his father sends him there to take charge of a large lumber camp, filled with brawny he-men who spend their time drinking, gambling and brawling when not cutting timber. Once there, Jack establishes himself by winning a fight against "Dum-Dum" Pete, the toughest man in those parts. Along the way he sees to it that a needed operation is performed on the camp's mascot, a crippled young boy, and saves his sweetheart, Marie O'Nei, that daughter of a rival lumber company, from drowning in the river when the spring thaw causes an ice-break flood.


Bill Harvey discovers a lost mine, rich with gold. Geraldine "Jerry" Howard has the claim to it left her by her father. Bill tells her that the death of the claimant, her father, makes a claim void. Infuriated, she goes to John Kenton, a crooked lawyer, for aid. Kenton sees an opportunity for wealth if he marries Geraldine, but Bill tells her that Kenton is only after her money. She gets more infuriated. While Bill and a posse are raiding an immoral cabaret, Kenton raids the Paradise freight depot to steal the money. The depot catches fire and Kenton shoots his henchman to save himself. The town and Geraldine think Kenton is a hero. It is up to Bill to prove otherwise.


A tribe of Navajo live on a reservation overseen by an Indian-hating agent.


Desperate for money, a rancher decides to trap and sell wild horses, using barbed wire. The local Navajo tribe tries to persuade him not to do it.


Plot unknown.


Plenty of adventure in the desert, with "villains dashing madly across deserts with the lives of both the hero and the heroine at stake, - long underground avenues, trick doors, trap doors and many ways of the unruly villains to torture the innocent." ( Variety - 1924 )


Various groups of people, both well-intentioned and otherwise, search for a buried treasure that is buried underneath a skyscraper.

Directed by George B. Seitz.

An action-themed movie serial.

Story concerns a paper mill, a mortgage and the struggle to obtain the lost formula for making paper from seaweed. Star is given opportunity to introduce many daredevil features.


Complete versions held by the Library of Congress and the George Eastman Museum.


Director George B. Seitz's silent action adventure serial starring Pearl White, Walter McGrail, Wallace McCutcheon Jr., George B. Seitz, and Henry G. Sell. This is a "lost" film which means that no surviving copies are thought to exist.Directed by George B. Seitz.


A beautiful young woman is a daring master thief. She meets the young millionaire Thomas Babbington Norton, while fleeing from the scene of her latest theft.


Edith Marbury is cashier of the Greenville Junction's only bank. A stranger comes to town, and Edith promptly falls in love with him. Her father forbids her to see him, but determined she leaves town in the night and going to a deserted cabin in the country, finds her lover in company with a band of crooks.

Trying to win the Three C's railroad line for his home town of Topaz, Colorado, Nicholas "Nick" Tarvin journeys to India to secure the famed jewel known as the Naulahka, which he plans to present to Mrs. Mutrie, the railroad president's wife.

A young heiress of an American gun factory is threatened by a masked man after her father was murdered. This criminal might be a member of her family or a German agent, who wants to get information about the factory's products, perhaps his mystery has a combined solution - we will probably never know...


The affluent Carnabys have now dwindled in fortune and family, leaving just Lucy and her brother, Gordon in financial straits. Situations escalate as they struggle to pay their bills and deal with Gordon's gambling debts.

Directed by George B. Seitz.

The story tells of the adventures of an unusual young duke, whose father, the old Grand Duke of Kiev, coveted the wife of Count Dardinilis, his colonel of Huzzars; of the old Grand Duke's plot to get her for himself; of her accidental death at the hands of his Cossacks, and of the colonel's escape with his little daughter to America. The young Grand Duke, now an orphan, comes to America to complete his education.

Only Episode 7, "The Hooded Helper," of this 20-Episode Serial is known to survive. All other episodes are believed to be lost.


A 1925 silent comedy.

Elaine Dodge is the beautiful young daughter of Taylor Dodge, president of the Consolidated Insurance Company. When Mr Dodge is murdered by a mysterious cloaked figure known only as the Clutching Hand, Elaine enlists the aid of Craig Kennedy to unmask the killer
