George Berrell

Phil Dolan (aka Black Jack because of his talent at cards), Nancy Dolan, and a rustler all have a piece of a silver dollar with each piece having a portion of an indented map of an ore mine. Phil has to rescue Nancy from the rustlers to keep their portions of the silver dollar from the rustlers. The sheriffs's pose captures the gang of rustlers just as they reach the ore mine ensuring their claim to the mine.

Cowboy Mark King (Tom Mix) comes to the aid of an old miner, Honeycutt (George Berrell) who, in gratitude, reveals the location of a secret gold mine. To get to the mine, however, King must fight an evil claim jumper, Gratton (Robert Cain), whose fiance, Gloria (Alice Calhoun), he once saved from falling off a cliff.

Publicized as "A Red-Hot Romance of the Western Plains," this above-average Buck Jones oater features the rootin' tootin' star as Tex Hartwel, a cowboy who saves an old cobbler from being abused by a nasty banker (Carl Stockdale). The banker does not take kindly to Hartwell's interfering and orders his henchman to kill the upstart. Hartwell, alas, is the fastest gun in the territory and gets out of the scrap alive and kicking.


A young woman is lured to the Yukon by a gambler with promises of marriage and a grubstake for a gold mine. She takes her ailing father with her, only to discover when she gets there that the gambler was lying to her and actually planned to sell her to a dance hall. She gathers her father and an old miner she has met, takes a dogsled and supplies from the gambler and the three of them head for the wilderness to look for a lost gold claim the old miner has been looking for.


Silent Western Comedy

Elliot Straive is a college professor who has left the evils of civilization behind to raise his son Eric in the purity of the Canadian wilderness. James Heatherton sends Mark Grant to get the mining rights to Straive's land as vast deposits of iron ore have been discovered there. Grant arrives as the elder Straive lies dying and has written a final note to his absent son. Grant tears off the portion of the letter with Straive's signature and forges a concession to the mining rights above the signature. Heatherton, dissatisfied with the unwitnessed signature of a dead man, decides to to himself to get Eric Straive to sign the concession. He sends his family on ahead on vacation. The family hires Eric as a guide, thinking him to be a mere backwoods barbarian. Eric and Heatherton's daughter Floria fall in love, but the relationship falters when she confesses that she has lied to him about why they are there. Grant returns upon the scene and tries to force Eric to sign.


Amos Kerran and his wife live a traditional, old-fashioned life on a Connecticut farm, while their son and daughter, Arthur and Maybelle, are successes in New York society. The children want to invite their parents to the city at Christmastime but are ashamed of their unrefined appearance.

When Pollyanna is orphaned, she's sent to live with her crotchety Aunt Polly. Pollyanna discovers that many of the people in her aunt's New England hometown are as ill-tempered as her aunt. But Pollyanna's incurable optimism - exemplified by her "glad game", in which she looks for the bright side of every situation - brings a change to the staid old community.


Tom Mix plays Tim, a goodhearted cowpuncher who, while riding down a trail, gets robbed of the money he was carrying for the Belgian Babies' Milk Fund.

A bandit tries to incriminate an innocent man for his own crimes.

Cattleman Flint cuts off farmer Sims' water supply. When Sims' son Ted goes for water, one of Flint's men kills him. Cheyenne is sent to finish off Sims, but finding the family at the newly dug grave, he changes sides.


A stagecoach robbery leads to a desperate attempt to round up the bandits.

Gambler Ballrat Bob tries to halt Clem, a squatter, from gambling away all his money.

Three outlaws fleeing a posse through the desert come upon a dying woman and her baby in a wagon. Before she passes away, she makes the men promise to take care of her baby and get it safely through the desert.


Walton, the District Attorney, yearns to have children. Soon after defending an author on trial for publishing indecent literature, Walton discovers a secret his wife and her socialite friends have been hiding from him.
