George Nichols

A sheep farmer brings his new wife to his father's ranch and the old man takes an instant dislike to her.


A gang of inept crooks and even more inept lawmen search for a cache of hidden money.


Sea Horses is a 1926 American drama silent film directed by Allan Dwan and written by Becky Gardiner, James Shelley Hamilton and Francis Brett Young. The film stars Jack Holt, Florence Vidor, William Powell, George Bancroft, Mack Swain, Frank Campeau and Allan Simpson. The film was released on February 22, 1926, by Paramount Pictures. It is considered a lost film.


Nat Alden, a promoter, has had bad luck on his deal and is broke. He meets an old army pal who is now a chauffeur of the businessman who threw the luckless Nat out of his office. Nat is on his way back to his small hometown, where he is believed to be a millionaire. To keep the belief alive he has his pal drive him there in the businessman's automobile. Complications arise quickly.

The heir to a family business travels to Paris to try to stop his youth-obsessed mother from squandering the family fortune with her new husband, who's married her for her money. After he returns from service in World War I, he finds his mother, now broke and abandoned by her gigolo husband....

The father of an heiress dies broke leaving her destitute without inheritance. She falls in with a group of hobos traveling incognito cross country dressed as a man.

Don Luis O'Flagherty (Ken Maynard), a daredevil comes to the rescue of his long-lost father, "Tiger" O'Flagherty (George Nichols), the supervisor of a supply-wagon train destined for the miners in Sonora. Tiger is being terrorized by Jesse Wilks (J.P. McGowan), who hopes to starve the miners out of their claims. Falling in love with Tiger's ward, Sally (Dorothy Devore), Don Luis manages to turn the tables on Wilks, who is killed attempting to rob the supply train.


Railroad builder James Travers (George Nichols) wants his pretty daughter, Anne (Virginia Valli), to marry Herbert Landis, a young engineer (Eugene O'Brien). Unfortunately, Anne loves a brother, and his rival, Hilary Fenton (Bryant Washburn), stands ready to snatch her up.

Vladimir Dubrouvsky, a lieutenant in the Russian army, catches the eye of Czarina Catherine II. He spurns her advances and flees, and she puts out a warrant for his arrest, dead or alive. Vladimir learns that his father's lands have been taken by the evil Kyrilla Troekouroff, and his father dies. He dons a black mask, and becomes the outlaw The Black Eagle. He enters the Troekouroff household disguised as a French instructor for Kyrilla's daughter Mascha. He is after vengeance, but instead falls in love with Mascha.


His Majesty, Bunker Bean is a 1925 silent film comedy directed by Harry Beaumont and starring Matt Moore. It is based on a 1916 play, His Majesty, Bunker Bean by Lee Wilson Dodd, taken from a novel Bunker Bean by Harry Leon Wilson. It was produced and distributed by Warner Brothers.

When Prince Danilo falls in love with American dancer Sally O'Hara, his uncle, King Nikita I of Monteblanco, forbids him to marry her because Sally is a commoner. Thinking she has been jilted by her prince, Sally marries wealthy Baron Sadoja. When the elderly man dies suddenly, Sally must be wooed all over again by Danilo.


A love triangle set against the turn-of-the-century gold rush.


This is not a Clara Bow vehicle, and yet it is clearly the aspect/asset of Clara Bow which elevates a fairly serious melodrama to a timeless and profound social statement. Opening the film on death row where the handsome youth awaits the chair, a stirring test of the legal system evolves after two elite types conspire to expose its inadequacies. Elite, jaded society lawyer Gordon Harrington fabricates a murder, implicating an entirely "hired" fall-guy, one Dan O'Connor, while the bored playboy-type hides away on a yacht until the points are proven and the legal system has been disgraced. Naturally, something goes wrong, the playboy really turns up murdered, and O'Connor is now the accused, imprisoned murderer scheduled to be hanged.


The snooty Fernanda decides to visit her uncle in Frisco to escape the attentions on Don Diego but he follows her. Alone in Frisco with her duena, Fernanda can't get over the Frisco "mountains" but likes the hilltop mansion with many bathrooms. She is rescued from a wild taxi ride by a passerby who owns a huge plumbing company. Of course Fernanda thinks he is a common plumber and snubs him.


A famous opera singer lost her voice when her son was born, and has drowned her sorrows in drink. When a murder is committed near her house, she invents a story in order to get herself back in front of the public again. However, the story she comes up with results in her son being arrested for the murder.


Jack Holt, Billie Dove, and Noah Beery Sr., who starred together in Wanderers of the Wasteland, appear together again. Madeline Hammond (Dove), the sister of ranchman Al Hammond (William Scott), arrives from the East. Gene Stewart, a rough and rowdy cowboy (Holt), convinces Madeline to marry him while he is on a drunken spree. Madeline sets out to reform him, and he sets out to rid their little section of the West of a band of outlaws.

The Midnight Express (1924)


An old woman's memories are rekindled as she rereads her diary. She recalls her youth in England when she married a suitor over the objections of her parents and moved with him to the Wyoming frontier. They live a hardscrabble life there and suffered deprivation, hunger, Indian attacks, and the death of her baby. Although they eventually make a go of it, her husband becomes involved with another woman. Now that he is on his deathbed, will she forgive her husband after 40 years.


Jean and Marise, young lovers forced from their homes, flee to Paris. Irrevocably separated there, their lives deviate into the slums and hard labor of low-class French society. All the while, the two desperately search for one another.


"Hero is son of owner of taxicab company. Learning of injustice toward independents, he becomes independent driver. Heroine inherits half interest in company, and desiring to learn truth, goes to work as telephone operator in independent garage. Together they force a consolidation with the independents, and find happiness in their love."


The no-good son of a company owner is sent to investigate a problematic business deal.


Sue Graham is a small town girl who wants to be a motion picture star. She wins a contract when a picture of a very pretty girl is sent to a studio instead of her picture. When she arrives in Hollywood, the mistake is discovered and she starts working in the props department of the studio instead. Her parents then come out to California and invest some money with a very shifty individual.


Don't Marry for Money is a 1923 silent drama

Hoping to consolidate their adjoining ranches, Don Fernando and Don Diego betroth their children, Ramón and Dolores, although Ramón is in love with Suzanna, the daughter of a peon on his father's ranch, and Dolores is interested in Pancho, a toreador. When Suzanna learns that she was kidnapped in infancy and is really Don Diego's daughter, she keeps silent; but Ramón finally rebels and steals Suzanna from the altar as she is about to marry Pancho. There are explanations, Ramón marries Suzanna, and Dolores marries Pancho. Suzanna (1923) has been mastered from a good quality but incomplete 35mm print.


Ben Applegate's father dies, leaving him and his brothers Joe and Andy orphans and having to run the family farm. Their Uncle Grimes is their legal guardian, but he's only concerned with getting his hands on the farm. He has Ben declared incompetent and packs off Joe and Andy to an orphanage. When things look darkest for the three boys, help comes from an unexpected source.

The conductor of a one-man streetcar has to deal with getting passengers on and off, getting tickets, making sure no one tries to ride for free and operating the car all at the same time.


Treats of the average, smalltown, middle class family life. Flirtatious Cora Madison is engaged to Richard Lindley but is attracted to Val Corliss, who has come to town to promote oil stock. When Cora's father refuses to become involved, she forges his name on some papers, thus enabling Corliss to sell many shares.

Ek is a disembodied spirit, required to wait his turn in the boring cosmos until he is allowed to inhabit an earthly body. Impatient, he sneaks off to earth to find a body and, after several failed attempts, finds Professor Ezra Botts, a timid old pedant and researcher of psychic phenomena. Life fairly well kicks Professor Botts around as it does all timid souls, and he gets little love or respect. But during an experimental trance, he is able to leave his body behind and at that moment, Ek sees his chance and slips in, taking over the professor's body. The "new" professor is energetic, charismatic, and dynamic, and from the limbo in which he floats, the real professor fears that Ek is going to wear out the tired old body before he, Botts, can return to it. And just how is he supposed to get back into his body, anyway?

A soldier inaccurately reported as dead returns home to his Spanish family’s estate in California, only to find his father deceased and his ancestral land in the hands of strangers.


An Irish washerwoman's daughter falls in love with one of America's most eligible bachelors, much to the dismay of the girl's parents -- and the young doctor's newly acquired fiancée! Events come to a head at the charity masked ball, which the two girls happen to attend in very similar costumes, thanks to the largesse of Molly's benevolent "fairy godfather"...


While on a train trip, Mary Ryan runs into her old friend Jane Loomis. Mary was once a professional thief but is now reformed. Jane tells her that her uncle, Judge Loomis, has invited her to live with he and his family, but that she is planning to elope with her boyfriend instead. When the train arrives at the town where Judge Looms lives, Mary gets off and passes herself off as Jane. Complications ensue.

In the gold fields of the Canadian Northwest, a man is falsely accused of a crime and determines that a lookalike is responsible.

When Pinto reaches her eighteenth birthday, the five wealthy Arizonans who adopted her upon the death of her parents decide that ranch life will never make a lady of her. Their old friend Pop Audry, formerly of Arizona and now a member of New York society, agrees to provide Pinto with the necessary education. Accordingly, Pinto and her cowboy nursemaid Looey are dispatched to New York where they lose Audry's address. ...

Kent Hollis has arrived in Dry Bottom, New Mexico to settle the affairs of his dead father. But when he discovers that the town is at the mercy of "Big Bill" Dunlavey and his crew, he decides to stick it out at dad's old ranch for a spell.

Adaptation of Joseph Conrad novel about lust and violence on a South Seas Island.


John Logan leaves his parents and sweetheart in bucolic Happy Valley to make his fortune in the city. Those he left behind become miserable and beleaguered in his absence, but after several years he returns, a wealthy man. But his embittered father, not recognizing him for who he is, plans to murder the newly- arrived "stranger" for his money.


Mickey, an orphan who has been brought up in a mining settlement, is sent to New York to live with her aunt.


Jane is a rootless young lady who finds an abandoned child and adopts it as her own. The decision, however, leads to great conflict with the child's vicious outlaw father.

A pretty but poor girl leaves the young boy who loves her for a rich playboy who she believes will take care of her, but the wealthy cad has other plans for her.

A group of youngsters grow up and love in a peaceful French village. But war intrudes and peace is shattered. The German army invades and occupies village, bringing both destruction and torture. The young people of the village resist, some successfully, others tragically, until French troops retake the town.


Clay Burgess (Tom Mix), a drifter, returns to the small town of Palo to find the president of the bank -- his father -- murdered and the unscrupulous "Big" Dave Dawley (George Nichols) in charge.

A young man with little ambition is given an opportunity to set himself up in business by means of financial support from his father. But the young man becomes involved in a shady railroad deal which threatens to destroy his own father.

A hard-working prospector enters the town of Bakeoven to stake his claim, only to have his rights stolen and his face on "Wanted" posters. He plans reprisal.


Oliver and Elizabeth wed. He is a famous lawyer, careless of his personal conduct, but has implicit faith in Elizabeth. She is a woman of strong mind, a magazine writer of repute, and believes he should guide himself by the same code that governs her. Two of their associates are profligates, Charles, an artist, and Catherine. Oliver trifles with Catherine and this so embitters Elizabeth, that she pretends to receive the attentions of Charles, although it is made clear that she has remained pure. Nevertheless, she purposely permits her husband to believe otherwise. He has considered her like Caesar's wife, but his faith is shattered. A child is born to her and the father doubts its parentage.

Based on Henrik Ibsen's play.


A very plastered fella follows a pretty woman home, and proceeds to make a nuisance of himself.


When Fatty Arbuckle accidentally hits on the rajah, he declares, "Death to all flirts!" and hijinks ensue.


The Under-Sheriff is a 1914 movie starring Roscoe Arbuckle and George Nichols.

In the Clutches of the Gang is a 1914 movie starring Ford Sterling and George Nichols.


The Tramp, a film Johnnie (someone who loiters near theaters or studios to meet stars or get a job), attempts to meet his favorite movie actress at the Keystone Studio, but does not win friends there.


A brat's magic lantern show exposes an indiscreet moment between a landlady and her star boarder.


Rebecca's Wedding Day is a 1914 movie starring Roscoe Arbuckle and Billy Gilbert.

A Robust Romeo is a 1914 movie starring Roscoe Arbuckle and Emma Bell Clifton.

Twixt Love and Fire is a 1914 movie starring Roscoe Arbuckle and Peggy Pearce.

This early Chaplin film has him playing a character quite different from the Tramp for which he would become famous. He is a rich, upper-class gentleman whose romance is endangered when his girlfriend oversees him being embraced by a maid. Chaplin's romantic interest in this film, Minta Durfee, was the wife of fellow Keystone actor, Roscoe "Fatty" Arbuckle.


A short comedy starring Mabel Normand being chased by a very lively bear.

Fatty's Flirtation is a 1913 movie starring Roscoe Arbuckle and Mabel Normand.

Some Nerve is a 1913 movie starring Ford Sterling and Dot Farley.

Fatty rescues the daughter of the police commisioner and is given a job as an officer as a reward, but its not all its cracked up to be!


A Ride for a Bride is a 1913 movie starring Roscoe Arbuckle and Virginia Kirtley.

Fatty at San Diego is a 1913 movie starring Roscoe Arbuckle and Phyllis Allen.

His Sister's Kids is a 1913 movie starring Roscoe Arbuckle and Minta Durfee.


Wine is a 1913 movie starring Roscoe Arbuckle and Ford Sterling.

A Small Time Act is a 1913 movie starring Ford Sterling and Roscoe Arbuckle.

Count Chicori is perused by a bear whilst visiting at a hunting lodge.

Silent film drama...

Silent film drama...

An indictment of the evils of child labor, the film was controversial in its time for its use of actual footage of children employed in a working mill.


Silent romantic drama...

Silent romantic drama..

Silent romantic drama..

Silent romantic drama...

Silent romantic drama...

With The Old Curiosity Shop and David Copperfield, both released in 1911, and Nicholas Nickleby in 1912, Thanhouser established itself as producer of the best Dickens adaptations in American film.


A young woman takes over her sick father's role as telegraph operator at a railway station, and has to deal with a team intent on train robbery.


Enoch Arden, a humble fisherman, marries Annie Lee. He signs on as a sailor to make more money to support their growing family. A storm wrecks his ship, but Enoch swims to a deserted island. Annie waits vainly for his return.


Mr. Bach, a wealthy man, visits the scenes of his boyhood days in his auto and meets farmer Brown, his boyhood friend. Brown is the father of a very pretty daughter named Tessie. Bach becomes deeply smitten with the artless little country lass, and secretly hopes to win her. Tessie, however, has a host of admirers in the little village, the favored one being John Watson.


This Thannhouser two-reeler features actor James Cruze who was to earn more fame as a director (THE COVERED WAGON) than as an actor. This is a typical very early silent film with flimsy sets, a few outdoor scenes (a rocky shore line, dunes), and jerky editing. The acting is all silent exclamatory style and it resembles more a tableaux than a narrative. As was typical of this period, title cards merely explain the action that is about to take place. There is no dialogue.


Made by D.W. Griffith as a complete story but split into 2 parts. Part I: Enoch Arden, a humble fisherman, marries Annie Lee. He signs on as a sailor to make more money to support their growing family. A storm wrecks his ship, but Enoch swims to a deserted island. Annie waits vainly for his return. Part II: Annie remains faithful to her husband, Enoch, even though he’s been lost at sea for many years. Finally her grown children convince her to marry Philip, her former suitor. Enoch is rescued from the deserted isle where he has been stranded, and returns home. He discovers Annie’s new life, and decides not to interrupt her happiness.


A young woman who is engaged to a millionaire she doesn't love meets and falls in love with a rough sailor.


After the Civil War, an ex-soldier and his family settle in the Dakota Territory. The son quarrels with the father and leaves home. Riding in the hills, he spots a band of Indians attacking a neighboring homestead, and he races back to warn his family as the Indians chase him.


An elderly carpenter is told by a doctor that his wife is seriously ill. Soon afterwards, an insensitive shop foreman lays him off from his job because of his age. Unable to find work, and with his wife's condition getting worse, he soon becomes desperate


Elaborately produced version of the well known George O. Nichols fairy tale interrupted by just a few summarizing intertitles, with Florence LaBadie and Harry Benham.


A feud existed between two Italian houses and it meant disaster to any one of the belligerents to intrude into the opposing house. The Lord of the house gives a feast in honor of the arrival of a wealthy foreign noble, whom he expects to make his son-in-law. The daughter, however, has given her heart to the son of her father's enemy. That he may be present at the festival, she surreptitiously takes her father's signet ring, throwing it to him from the window, which, of course, admits him. The father, anticipating the intrusion of his enemies, orders death to any member who enters the hall. After the festivities the unwelcome betrothal takes place and the forbidden lover braves death to see his loved one. While they are in clandestine meeting a guard is seen to enter the corridor so the girl hides her sweetheart in a secret closet, turning the key and taking it with her. Not finding the intruder, the guard imagines he was mistaken.


She who must be obeyed, silent version !

A small-town drama group's rehearsal is interrupted when one of their members receives a letter telling him his English relative is arriving for a visit. The Englishman turns out to be a stuffy and humorless, and is the butt of several pranks. The drama group dresses as Indians and threatens him, but he turns the tables, pulls out a gun and chases them away.


A story about two children that are made to promise they will not forget their recently departed mother. As the two children grow up the boy regularly visits his mother's grave, while the girl has forgotten her promise.


In the opening of this subject we find the callow youth as he points towards the city's spires, exclaiming to his dear old mother, "Mother, there in the big city is my sphere. There will I turn the world over." Off he goes cityward, ambitious and presumptuous, and perhaps we may add reckless. Alas, the city's whirl is quite a change from the simple quiet life in the country and the youth falls a victim to the snares that beset the unsophisticated.


Typical morality tale has a Deacon coming onto a "wild child" (Dorothy West) but after she rejects him he goes back into town saying that the girl and her mother are witches.


A man sacrifices a new marriage for the happiness of his daughter.


A wealthy, callous moneylender finds a terrifying way to learn about money's limitations.


After conducting a raid on a Rebel camp, a Czarist officer discovers that his wife has joined the revolutionaries. Out of loyalty to his wife, the officer resigns his commission and escapes with her to America. Several years later, the ex-officer is gainfully employed as a waiter in a Russian restaurant. For the sake of his grown son, who is engaged to marry a wealthy socialite, our hero pretends to be a man of great wealth and prestige. The truth is revealed in the final scene, but "Waiter Number 5" is saved from disgrace by the timely arrival of his former superior officer.

The orphan girl of San Gabriel meets and is attracted by a Spanish stranger. The Spaniard is accused of cheating and set to be lynched, but is saved by the girl's ruse, who later becomes his bride.


After her mother's death, Ruth struggles to support herself as a seamstress. While Ruth delivers shirts to the factory owner, the owner's son steals some money and Ruth is accused of the crime. She flees the ghetto of New York's Lower East Side and hides in the country where a young farmer takes her in and they fall in love


In Colonial America a doctor refuses to "waste time on an Indian" whose daughter is ill. The doctor’s wife secretly travels to the Indian village to administer medicine. After the child’s recovery, the young Indian mother wears the medicine bottle as a necklace talisman, which the doctor roughly tries to grab back when he spots it. "The white man’s insult" leads to an Indian uprising in which the doctor is killed. His wife too is set for execution until the Indian mother intervenes and escorts her back to safety.

If a Wall Street financier is to escape arrest, he must flee his house at once. He chooses instead to stay in order to watch his daughter get married. Thanks to kindhearted police, he is permitted to take part in the wedding while they wait discreetly in the next room, ready to take him away.


Young Tom Powers has a wild, irresponsible lifestyle which is condemned by his father but indulged by his well-meaning mother. Tom is pressed to pay his gambling debts, but his father refuses to give him the money. Later, the father plans a business trip on which he will be carrying a large amount of cash. In desperation, Tom disguises himself and surreptitiously enters the house to steal his father’s wallet. Seeing the "burglar" but unaware of his identity, his mother removes the money from the wallet and substitutes the timetable on which Tom’s father had marked his itinerary, intending to give Tom the money and blame the theft on the "burglar". Tom is later apprehended by the police, and his father, called to the station, opens the retrieved wallet and finds the timetable inside. Instantly realizing what has happened, he allows his son to go free. Tom is sobered by the incident and goes away to make a fresh start in life.


The mission bells ring but men are too busy with work and revelers are unwilling to interrupt their amusements. An old priest with an empty church is full of sorrow. However, he encourages a young priest to go among the people wearing civilian clothes, and try to live in the image of Christ. The young man gets a job as a laborer in the fields. He tries to show Christian charity by his example: he feeds the poor, protects children, turns the other cheek, and helps a fallen woman. He is misunderstood by the people, and discouraged, goes back to the old priest. The fallen woman comes to them: the young man’s kindness to her has moved her to seek forgiveness and a reformed life. The bells ring in celebration of one soul saved.


Short drama about the commandment "honour your father and your mother".


A country girl follows a city suitor, but is left alone and must fend for herself.


Ranch hand Bob Gorman loves pretty Molly Hendricks, and Daddy isn't happy about that. Then Bob is falsely accused of killing Mr. Hendricks. Soon we will discover whether Bob will sacrifice his own life to prove his love for Molly.


Harry Townsend, a young stock broker, is in love with the pretty daughter of James Petersby, a Wall Street magnate, and as Harry is a very promising young fellow, he gives his consent to the match. Harry, however, is hard hit by the panic, and loses practically all. This changes the color of things and the young lover is forbidden the wealthy man's house. Despairing, he goes to look for employment at a detective agency.


Perry Dudley, a rich eligible bachelor, is bored with his life and longs for a change. Nick, a penniless tramp, has received a letter from the town where he lived as a child, asking him to return home. Through a fluke Perry finds the letter, takes Nick’s place and goes to the little town himself. The townspeople accept him as Nick, he falls in love with a farmer’s daughter, and all is going well until the real Nick shows up. When the farmer finds he has been duped he orders Perry to leave; Perry not only leaves but takes the girl with him. The farmer follows in angry pursuit, but when he learns that his daughter’s abductor is rich and has marriage in mind, he becomes much more agreeable.


A loving father favors a prosperous young man as his daughter’s suitor but disowns her when she chooses a working-class man. Years later, the husband struggles against the ravages of tuberculosis to support his wife and daughter. The heroine’s father has become a miser, and around the time of the husband’s death he unwittingly moves into a cheap flat directly above that of his widowed daughter and her child. As the child prays for help, the miser’s stash of money falls down the chimney and lands beside her. Her faith touchs the father, and he reconciles with his daughter.


Owen Moore is addicted to gambling and about to lose his family and job because of it. James Kirkwood, his brother-in-law, shows up and cures him of his gambling fever.


An experiment goes wrong and blinds a newly married chemist. The chemist's wife does not want to take on the burden of caring for the blind chemist so she has her younger sister take her place.


The evils of drink cause a man to separate from his family. In time he becomes sober and prosperous. Then he meets and falls in love with a young woman, and they become engaged. Unbeknownst to him this young woman is his own daughter.


A young secretary is locked in an airtight vault by a robber. Only her boss knows the combination, and he is off on a journey. Can the boss's son locate his absent-minded father before it is too late for the girl?


Edward Rose, owner of an independent sugar company, resists the "Sugar Trust". His partner, however, conspires with the Trust to force Rose into bankruptcy. Rose’s two young daughters go to Wall Street to plead with the Trust president. Unmoved by their offer to turn over their small savings, the president finally succumbs to their tears. He offers Rose a job and happiness returns to the family.


A society couple, neglect their young daughter in favor of their social life. When the girl becomes seriously ill, the father realizes the errors of his ways and stays home with her, demanding his wife do likewise. She sneaks out to a dance and the child takes a turn for the worse. By the time she returns home the child is dead. After her husband leaves her, the mother realizes her selfishness and begs forgiveness at her daughter's grave.


A pack of admirers won't leave a beautiful woman alone at a seaside resort, so she devises a plan. She appears in a leg-revealing swimsuit, but the stockings have been stuffed with cotton to make her limbs appear misshapen. All but one of the men is driven off, and regret it when she removes the misleading leggings.


Soon after their engagement, Bill goes to sea, and Emily vows to stay true until his return. Unknown to her, Bill marries another woman from a different port. Emily waits faithfully for six years, finally becoming dangerously ill. When Bill suddenly appears in town with his family, Joe, who has loved Emily all along, forces Bill to make Emily's final moments happy by pretending he has returned to marry her.


Pippa awakes and faces the world outside with a song. Unknown to her, the music has a healing effect on all who hear her as she passes by.


A poor, elderly couple with many children is tempted when the husband's brother offers to pay to adopt one of the children himself. However, when forced to choose, the parents realize they can't part with any of their children.


A confirmed bachelor learns that he will inherit his late uncle's fortune only if he marries, which he does reluctantly. Shortly afterward he returns to his bachelor lifestyle but realizes he can't get his wife's face out of his thoughts.


After three years at sea, Edward returns home to find his sweetheart forced into an engagement with a much older man.


George Peabody is a young man who has been giving free rein to his inclinations, the principal one being drink. One might have concluded he was lost, but there was the chance which the hand of Providence always bestows in the person of pretty little Ruth King, who had secretly loved George since their childhood days. She succeeds in persuading him from his reckless life, and he determines to cut off from his old loose companions by going out West and making a man of himself. Bidding Ruth and her mother good-bye, he realizes that he loves his little preserver and promises to return worthy of her love and confidence. They plight their troth with their first kiss and a heart shaped locket, which Ruth wears, she breaking it in two, giving George one side while she retains the other, which symbolized the reunion of their hearts with his return.


Marie has two suitors. She accepts Victor and rejects Tony, who stabs Victor in a fit of jealousy. When he learns that Victor is still alive, he breaks into the room in Marie's house where Victor is convalescing and attacks him again. He is threatening to attack Marie when lawmen burst in and arrest him.


An escaped convict takes refuge in the home of a police officer out on duty. He seizes the officer's daughter and pulls her into a window recess, with a pistol to her head. The officer returns and discovers the convict's hat. He suspect his wife is concealing an affair and she must avoid revealing the convict's presence for the sake of their daughter.


Papa is proud of his new birthday present, a shotgun. Mary's boyfriend arrives for a visit and she is anxious to introduce him to Papa. When Harry sees Papa walk in with a shotgun he misunderstands and departs in terror. Harry continues to encounter Papa everywhere and runs away, baffling the old man. At last Papa hauls Harry back home for an explanation and a reunion with Mary.


A mountain girl is seduced by a traveler from the valley. Her brother tracks the seducer down and kills him. In retaliation, the sheriff captures the brother and prepares to lynch him. Mother intervenes and, to save her son the disgrace of hanging, shoots him.


Mr. and Mrs. Hilton throw a New Year's Eve party. They agree not to drink the punch themselves, but as guests begin to arrive their resolve weakens, and soon they are both cavorting drunkenly. Next morning Mr. Hilton, feeling very sick, is conscience-stricken over his behavior. He fears to face his wife until he discovers that she feels just as guilty herself.


All the young men in the mining camp flirt with Lucy. Bud, the youngest of them, doesn't stand a chance. At a dance, Bud dresses as a woman and all the men flirt with him and abandon Lucy. When his disguise is revealed, the other men are too embarrassed to approach Lucy, and Bud dances the rest of the night with her.


An honest worker, John Whitney, finds himself unemployed and unable to provide for his family. Desperate, he robs a rich man's home and is arrested. One of the police officers is an old friend and accompanies Whitney home to allow a farewell with his wife. Humiliated, Whitney decides to kill himself and his family. The rich man learns of his desperate situation and arrives in time to save the family and drops the charges.


A short version of James Fenimore Cooper's famous tale about Natty Bumppo, or "Hawkeye," and his exploits during the French and Indian war.


During the reign of Oliver Cromwell, Catholic worship is forbidden on pain of death. Three soldiers are arrested as Catholics and condemned to die. Cromwell decides to spare two of them and to determine which should die by chance. The guards bring the first child they meet. Whichever soldier she gives the 'death disc' to shall die. Cromwell is charmed by the girl and gives her his signet ring. By chance the child is the daughter of one of the soldiers and gives the death disc to her father, because she thinks it's pretty. The child is returned home to her mother, who learns of her husband's pending execution and of the power of the ring. She rushes to the place of execution and saves her husband by producing the ring.


A husband suspects his wife of an affair. The wife's cousin borrows a shawl to meet her lover in the garden. The husband spies the couple embracing, and, thinking it's his wife, he strikes the lover. The thought that he has killed a man temporarily unhinges the husband's mind until he can be convinced that the lover is still alive.


The story tells of the young widowed mother of two children who is forced by extreme poverty to part with one of her children, a baby girl, by placing it in a basket on the door steps of a wealthy banker. Before leaving the baby the poor mother takes one of its little shoes to keep as a memento.


A mother works as a dancer to support her ill daughter. One night while performing, the mother has a vision of her child dying. She rushes home, but it is too late. -- IMDB


Pretty Miss Chrysanthemum has but little to say as to the disposal of her heart, at least, such is the custom in Japan. Her parents attend to that for her. However, pretty little O Yama Sum had a will of her own, and casting tradition to the winds, insisted upon making her own choice. The Grand Daimio has long loved the pretty O Yama and presents himself before her mother in quest of her hand. His offer is scorned by O Yama, for she loves another, a low-born but worthy warrior.
